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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/user/plugins/sample-plugin/ -> plugin.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*
   3  Plugin Name: Sample Plugin
   4  Plugin URI: http://yourls.org/
   5  Description: Sample plugin to illustrate how actions and filters work. Read its source. Refer to the <a href="http://yourls.org/pluginapi">Plugin API documentation</a> for more details.
   6  Version: 0.1
   7  Author: Ozh
   8  Author URI: http://ozh.org/
   9  */
  11  // No direct call
  12  if( !defined( 'YOURLS_ABSPATH' ) ) die();
  14  /* Example of an action
  15   *
  16   * We're going to add an entry to the menu.
  17   *
  18   * The menu is drawn by function yourls_html_menu() in file includes/functions-html.php.
  19   * Right before the function outputs the closing </ul>, notice the following function call:
  20   * yourls_do_action( 'admin_menu' );
  21   * This function says: "hey, for your information, I've just done something called 'admin menu', thought I'd let you know..."
  22   *
  23   * We're going to hook into this action and add our menu entry
  24   */
  26  yourls_add_action( 'admin_menu', 'ozh_sample_add_menu' );
  27  /* This says: when YOURLS does action 'admin_menu', call function 'ozh_sample_add_menu'
  28   */
  30  function ozh_sample_add_menu() {
  31      echo '<li><a href="http://ozh.org/">Ozh</a></li>';
  32  }
  33  /* And that's it. Activate the plugin and notice the new menu entry.
  34   */
  38  /* Example of a filter
  39   *
  40   * We're going to modify the <title> of pages in the admin area
  41   *
  42   * The <title> tag is generated by function yourls_html_head() in includes/functions-html.php
  43   * Notice the following function call:
  44   * $title = yourls_apply_filter( 'html_title', 'YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener' );
  45   * This function means: give $title the value "YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener", unless a
  46   * filter modifies this value.
  47   *
  48   * We're going to hook into this filter and modify this value.
  49   */
  51  yourls_add_filter( 'html_title', 'ozh_sample_change_title' );
  52  /* This says: when filter 'html_title' is triggered, send its value to function 'ozh_sample_change_title'
  53   * and use what this function will return.
  54   */
  56  function ozh_sample_change_title( $value ) {
  57      $value = $value . ' -- the sample plugin is activated';
  58      return $value; // a filter *always* has to return a value
  59  }
  60  /* And that's it. Activate the plugin and notice how the page title changes */

Generated: Thu Sep 19 05:10:04 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1