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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/tests/tests/format/ -> FormatTest.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 276 lines (9 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

FormatTest:: (20 methods):

Class: FormatTest  - X-Ref

General formatting functions.

serialize_data()   X-Ref
Data to serialize

not_serialized_data()   X-Ref
Unserialized data

test_is_serialized( $data )   X-Ref
Check that yourls_is_serialized detects serialized data

since: 0.1

test_is_not_serialized( $data )   X-Ref
Check that yourls_is_serialized doesn't assume garbage is serialized

since: 0.1

test_int_to_string_to_int()   X-Ref
Integer (1337) to string (3jk) to integer

since: 0.1

test_string_to_int_to_string()   X-Ref
String (3jk) to integer (1337) to string

since: 0.1

test_string2htmlid()   X-Ref
Checking that yourls_unique_element_id is a unique string

test_valid_regexp()   X-Ref
Generating valid regexp from the allowed charset

since: 0.1

test_trim_long_strings()   X-Ref
Trim long strings

since: 0.1

test_is_utf8( $string )   X-Ref
Return true for UTF8 strings

Note: As of 1.7.1, function yourls_seem_utf8() is still unused. In 2.0 consider simply deleting it if still not needed

since: 0.1

test_is_not_utf8( $string )   X-Ref
Return false for non UTF8 strings

Note: As of 1.7.1, function yourls_seem_utf8() is still unused. In 2.0 consider simply deleting it if still not needed

since: 0.1

valid_utf8()   X-Ref
No description

invalid_utf8()   X-Ref
No description

get_data( $filename )   X-Ref
Parse a file and return its content as a data provider

test_backslashit()   X-Ref
Test yourls_backslashit

since: 0.1

test_bookmarklet()   X-Ref
Test the bookmarklet generator

Note: we're not testing that the bookmarklet generator produces valid JS code: the
bookmarklet class has tests for this, see https://github.com/ozh/bookmarkletgen
We're just testing that content is returned

since: 0.1

test_specialchars_decode_basics()   X-Ref
Test yourls_specialchars basics

since: 0.1

test_specialchars_escapes_quotes()   X-Ref
Test yourls_specialchars escape quotes

since: 0.1

test_specialchars_allowed_entities()   X-Ref
Test yourls_specialchars doesn't change allowed entities

since: 0.1

test_specialchars_unallowed_entities()   X-Ref
Test yourls_specialchars with unallowed entities

since: 0.1

Generated: Mon Mar 31 05:10:02 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1