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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/js/ -> insert.js (source)

   1  // Init some stuff
   2  $(document).ready(function(){
   3      $('#add-url, #add-keyword').keypress(function(e){
   4          if (e.which == 13) {add_link();}
   5      });
   6      add_link_reset();
   7      $('#new_url_form').attr('action', 'javascript:add_link();');
   9      $('input.text').focus(function(){
  10          $(this).select();
  11      });
  13      // this one actually has little impact, the .hasClass('disabled') in each edit_link_display(), remove() etc... fires faster
  14      $(document).on( 'click', 'a.button', function() {
  15          if( $(this).hasClass('disabled') ) {
  16              return false;
  17          }
  18      });
  20      // When Searching, explode search text in pieces -- see split_search_text_before_search()
  21      $('#filter_form').submit( function(){
  22          split_search_text_before_search();
  23          return true;
  24      });
  25  });
  27  // Create new link and add to table
  28  function add_link() {
  29      if( $('#add-button').hasClass('disabled') ) {
  30          return false;
  31      }
  32      var newurl = $("#add-url").val();
  33      var nonce = $("#nonce-add").val();
  34      if ( !newurl || newurl == 'http://' || newurl == 'https://' ) {
  35          return;
  36      }
  37      var keyword = $("#add-keyword").val();
  38      var nextid = parseInt($('#main_table tbody tr[id^="id-"]').length) + 1;
  39      add_loading("#add-button");
  40      $.getJSON(
  41          ajaxurl,
  42          {action:'add', url: newurl, keyword: keyword, nonce: nonce, rowid: nextid},
  43          function(data){
  44              if(data.status == 'success') {
  45                  $('#main_table tbody').prepend( data.html ).trigger("update");
  46                  $('#nourl_found').css('display', 'none');
  47                  zebra_table();
  48                  increment_counter();
  49                  toggle_share_fill_boxes( data.url.url, data.shorturl, data.url.title );
  50              }
  52              add_link_reset();
  53              end_loading("#add-button");
  54              end_disable("#add-button");
  56              feedback(data.message, data.status);
  57          }
  58      );
  59  }
  61  function toggle_share_fill_boxes( url, shorturl, title ) {
  62      $('#copylink').val( shorturl );
  63      $('#titlelink').val( title );
  64      $('#origlink').attr( 'href', url ).html( url );
  65      $('#statlink').attr( 'href', shorturl+'+' ).html( shorturl+'+' );
  66      var tweet = ( title ? title + ' ' + shorturl : shorturl );
  67      $('#tweet_body').val( tweet ).keypress();
  68      $('#shareboxes').slideDown( '300', function(){ init_clipboard(); } ); // clipboard re-initialized after slidedown to make sure the invisible Flash element is correctly positionned
  69      $('#tweet_body').keypress();
  70  }
  72  // Display the edition interface
  73  function edit_link_display(id) {
  74      if( $('#edit-button-'+id).hasClass('disabled') ) {
  75          return false;
  76      }
  77      add_loading('#actions-'+id+' .button');
  78      var keyword = $('#keyword_'+id).val();
  79      var nonce = get_var_from_query( $('#edit-button-'+id).attr('href'), 'nonce' );
  80      $.getJSON(
  81          ajaxurl,
  82          { action: "edit_display", keyword: keyword, nonce: nonce, id: id },
  83          function(data){
  84              $("#id-" + id).after( data.html );
  85              $("#edit-url-"+ id).focus();
  86              end_loading('#actions-'+id+' .button');
  87          }
  88      );
  89  }
  91  // Delete a link
  92  function remove_link(id) {
  93      if( $('#delete-button-'+id).hasClass('disabled') ) {
  94          return false;
  95      }
  96      if (!confirm('Really delete?')) {
  97          return;
  98      }
  99      var keyword = $('#keyword_'+id).val();
 100      var nonce = get_var_from_query( $('#delete-button-'+id).attr('href'), 'nonce' );
 101      $.getJSON(
 102          ajaxurl,
 103          { action: "delete", keyword: keyword, nonce: nonce, id: id },
 104          function(data){
 105              if (data.success == 1) {
 106                  $("#id-" + id).fadeOut(function(){
 107                      $(this).remove();
 108                      if( $('#main_table tbody tr').length  == 1 ) {
 109                          $('#nourl_found').css('display', '');
 110                      }
 112                      zebra_table();
 113                  });
 114                  decrement_counter();
 115                  decrease_total_clicks( id );
 116              } else {
 117                  alert('something wrong happened while deleting :/');
 118              }
 119          }
 120      );
 121  }
 123  // Redirect to stat page
 124  function go_stats(link) {
 125      window.location=link;
 126  }
 128  // Cancel edition of a link
 129  function edit_link_hide(id) {
 130      $("#edit-" + id).fadeOut(200, function(){
 131          $("#edit-" + id).remove();
 132          end_disable('#actions-'+id+' .button');
 133      });
 134  }
 136  // Save edition of a link
 137  function edit_link_save(id) {
 138      add_loading("#edit-close-" + id);
 139      var newurl = $("#edit-url-" + id).val();
 140      var newkeyword = $("#edit-keyword-" + id).val();
 141      var title = $("#edit-title-" + id).val();
 142      var keyword = $('#old_keyword_'+id).val();
 143      var nonce = $('#nonce_'+id).val();
 144      var www = $('#yourls-site').val();
 145      $.getJSON(
 146          ajaxurl,
 147          {action:'edit_save', url: newurl, id: id, keyword: keyword, newkeyword: newkeyword, title: title, nonce: nonce },
 148          function(data){
 149              if(data.status == 'success') {
 151                  if( data.url.title != '' ) {
 152                      var display_link = '<a href="' + data.url.url + '" title="' + data.url.title + '">' + data.url.display_title + '</a><br/><small><a href="' + data.url.url + '">' + data.url.display_url + '</a></small>';
 153                  } else {
 154                      var display_link = '<a href="' + data.url.url + '" title="' + data.url.url + '">' + data.url.display_url + '</a>';
 155                  }
 157                  $("#url-" + id).html(display_link);
 158                  $("#keyword-" + id).html('<a href="' + data.url.shorturl + '" title="' + data.url.shorturl + '">' + data.url.keyword + '</a>');
 159                  $("#edit-" + id).fadeOut(200, function(){
 160                      $("#edit-" + id).remove();
 161                      $('#main_table tbody').trigger("update");
 162                  });
 163                  $('#keyword_'+id).val( newkeyword );
 164                  $('#statlink-'+id).attr( 'href', data.url.shorturl+'+' );
 165              }
 166              feedback(data.message, data.status);
 167              end_loading("#edit-close-" + id);
 168              end_disable("#edit-close-" + id);
 169              if(data.status == 'success') {
 170                  end_disable("#actions-" + id + ' .button');
 171              }
 172          }
 173      );
 174  }
 176  // Prettify table with odd & even rows
 177  function zebra_table() {
 178      $("#main_table tbody tr:even").removeClass('odd').addClass('even');
 179      $("#main_table tbody tr:odd").removeClass('even').addClass('odd');
 180      $('#main_table tbody').trigger("update");
 181  }
 183  // Ready to add another URL
 184  function add_link_reset() {
 185      $('#add-url').val('').focus();
 186      $('#add-keyword').val('');
 187  }
 189  // Increment URL counters
 190  function increment_counter() {
 191      $('.increment').each(function(){
 192          $(this).html( parseInt($(this).html()) + 1);
 193      });
 194  }
 196  // Decrement URL counters
 197  function decrement_counter() {
 198      $('.increment').each(function(){
 199          $(this).html( parseInt($(this).html()) - 1 );
 200      });
 201  }
 203  // Decrease number of total clicks
 204  function decrease_total_clicks( id ) {
 205      var total_clicks = $("#overall_tracking strong:nth-child(2)");
 206      total_clicks.html( parseInt( total_clicks.html() ) - parseInt( $('#clicks-' + id).html() ) );
 207  }
 209  // Toggle Share box
 210  function toggle_share(id) {
 211      if( $('#share-button-'+id).hasClass('disabled') ) {
 212          return false;
 213      }
 214      var link = $('#url-'+id+' a:first');
 215      var longurl = link.attr('href');
 216      var title = link.attr('title');
 217      var shorturl = $('#keyword-'+id+' a:first').attr('href');
 219      toggle_share_fill_boxes( longurl, shorturl, title );
 220  }
 222  // When "Search" is clicked, split search text to beat servers which don't like query string with "http://"
 223  // See https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/issues/1576
 224  function split_search_text_before_search() {
 225      // Add 2 hidden fields and populate them with parts of search text
 226      $("<input type='hidden' name='search_protocol' />").appendTo('#filter_form');
 227      $("<input type='hidden' name='search_slashes' />").appendTo('#filter_form');
 228      var search = get_protocol_slashes_and_rest( $('#filter_form input[name=search]').val() );
 229      $('#filter_form input[name=search]').val( search.rest );
 230      $('#filter_form input[name=search_protocol]').val( search.protocol );
 231      $('#filter_form input[name=search_slashes]').val( search.slashes );
 232  }

Generated: Sat Feb 22 05:10:06 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1