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/includes/vendor/aura/sql/src/ -> ExtendedPdoInterface.php (summary)

This file is part of Aura for PHP.

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Defines 1 class

ExtendedPdoInterface:: (27 methods):

Interface: ExtendedPdoInterface  - X-Ref

An interface to the Aura.Sql extended PDO object.

connect()   X-Ref
Connects to the database.

disconnect()   X-Ref
Disconnects from the database.

fetchAffected($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Performs a statement and returns the number of affected rows.

return: int
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

fetchAll($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Fetches a sequential array of rows from the database; the rows
are represented as associative arrays.

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

fetchAssoc($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Fetches an associative array of rows from the database; the rows
are represented as associative arrays. The array of rows is keyed
on the first column of each row.

N.b.: if multiple rows have the same first column value, the last
row with that value will override earlier rows.

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

fetchCol($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Fetches the first column of rows as a sequential array.

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

fetchGroup($statement,array $values = [],$style = PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)   X-Ref
Fetches multiple from the database as an associative array.
The first column will be the index

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.
param: int $style a fetch style defaults to PDO::FETCH_COLUMN for single

fetchObject($statement,array $values = [],$class = 'stdClass',array $args = [])   X-Ref
Fetches one row from the database as an object, mapping column values
to object properties.

Warning: PDO "injects property-values BEFORE invoking the constructor -
in other words, if your class initializes property-values to defaults
in the constructor, you will be overwriting the values injected by
fetchObject() !"

return: object
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.
param: string $class The name of the class to create.
param: array $args Arguments to pass to the object constructor.

fetchObjects($statement,array $values = [],$class = 'stdClass',array $args = [])   X-Ref
Fetches a sequential array of rows from the database; the rows
are represented as objects, where the column values are mapped to
object properties.

Warning: PDO "injects property-values BEFORE invoking the constructor -
in other words, if your class initializes property-values to defaults
in the constructor, you will be overwriting the values injected by
fetchObject() !"

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.
param: string $class The name of the class to create from each
param: array $args Arguments to pass to each object constructor.

fetchOne($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Fetches one row from the database as an associative array.

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

fetchPairs($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Fetches an associative array of rows as key-value pairs (first
column is the key, second column is the value).

return: array
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

fetchValue($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Fetches the very first value (i.e., first column of the first row).

return: mixed
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

getParser()   X-Ref
Returns the Parser instance.

return: ParserInterface

getPdo()   X-Ref
Return the inner PDO (if any)

return: \PDO

getProfiler()   X-Ref
Returns the Profiler instance.

return: ProfilerInterface

quoteName($name)   X-Ref
Quotes a multi-part (dotted) identifier name.

return: string The multi-part identifier name, quoted.
param: string $name The multi-part identifier name.

quoteSingleName($name)   X-Ref
Quotes a single identifier name.

return: string The quoted identifier name.
param: string $name The identifier name.

isConnected()   X-Ref
Is the PDO connection active?

return: bool

setParser(ParserInterface $parser)   X-Ref
Sets the Parser instance.

param: ParserInterface $parser The Parser instance.

setProfiler(ProfilerInterface $profiler)   X-Ref
Sets the Profiler instance.

param: ProfilerInterface $profiler The Profiler instance.

yieldAll($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Yields rows from the database

return: \Generator
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

yieldAssoc($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Yields rows from the database keyed on the first column of each row.

return: \Generator
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

yieldCol($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Yields the first column of all rows

return: \Generator
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

yieldObjects($statement,array $values = [],$class = 'stdClass',array $args = [])   X-Ref
Yields objects where the column values are mapped to object properties.

Warning: PDO "injects property-values BEFORE invoking the constructor -
in other words, if your class initializes property-values to defaults
in the constructor, you will be overwriting the values injected by
fetchObject() !"

return: \Generator
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.
param: string $class The name of the class to create from each
param: array $args Arguments to pass to each object constructor.

yieldPairs($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Yields key-value pairs (first column is the key, second column is the

return: \Generator
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

perform($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Performs a query after preparing the statement with bound values, then
returns the result as a PDOStatement.

return: \PDOStatement
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
param: array $values Values to bind to the query.

prepareWithValues($statement, array $values = [])   X-Ref
Prepares an SQL statement with bound values.

This method only binds values that have placeholders in the
statement, thereby avoiding errors from PDO regarding too many bound
values. It also binds all sequential (question-mark) placeholders.

If a placeholder value is an array, the array is converted to a string
of comma-separated quoted values; e.g., for an `IN (...)` condition.
The quoted string is replaced directly into the statement instead of
using `PDOStatement::bindValue()` proper.

return: \PDOStatement
param: string $statement The SQL statement to prepare for execution.
param: array $values The values to bind to the statement, if any.

Generated: Sat Feb 22 05:10:06 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1