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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/includes/ -> functions-kses.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * YOURLS modification of a small subset from WordPress' KSES implementation.
   4   * Straight from the Let's Not Reinvent The Wheel department.
   5   */
   7  /**
   8   * kses 0.2.2 - HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes
   9   * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005  Ulf Harnhammar
  10   *
  11   * This program is free software and open source software; you can redistribute
  12   * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  13   * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
  14   * or (at your option) any later version.
  15   *
  16   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  17   * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  18   * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
  19   * more details.
  20   *
  21   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  22   * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  23   * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
  24   * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  25   *
  26   * [kses strips evil scripts!]
  27   *
  28   * @version 0.2.2
  29   * @copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005
  30   * @author Ulf Harnhammar <http://advogato.org/person/metaur/>
  31   *
  32   * @package External
  33   * @subpackage KSES
  34   *
  35   */
  38   * Two globals are defined: $yourls_allowedentitynames and $yourls_allowedprotocols
  39   * - $yourls_allowedentitynames is used internally in KSES functions to sanitize HTML entities
  40   * - $yourls_allowedprotocols is used in various parts of YOURLS, not just in KSES, albeit being defined here
  41   * Two globals are not defined and unused at this moment: $yourls_allowedtags_all and $yourls_allowedtags
  42   * The code for these vars is here and ready for any future use
  43   */
  45  // Populate after plugins have loaded to allow user defined values
  46  yourls_add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'yourls_kses_init' );
  48  /**
  49   * Init KSES globals if not already defined (by a plugin)
  50   *
  51   * @since 1.6
  52   * @return void
  53   */
  54  function yourls_kses_init() {
  55      global $yourls_allowedentitynames, $yourls_allowedprotocols;
  57      if( ! $yourls_allowedentitynames ) {
  58          $yourls_allowedentitynames = yourls_apply_filter( 'kses_allowed_entities', yourls_kses_allowed_entities() );
  59      }
  61      if( ! $yourls_allowedprotocols ) {
  62          $yourls_allowedprotocols   = yourls_apply_filter( 'kses_allowed_protocols', yourls_kses_allowed_protocols() );
  63      }
  65      /** See NOTE ABOUT GLOBALS **
  67      if( ! $yourls_allowedtags_all ) {
  68          $yourls_allowedtags_all = yourls_kses_allowed_tags_all();
  69          $yourls_allowedtags_all = array_map( '_yourls_add_global_attributes', $yourls_allowedtags_all );
  70          $yourls_allowedtags_all = yourls_apply_filter( 'kses_allowed_tags_all', $yourls_allowedtags_all );
  71      } else {
  72          // User defined: let's sanitize
  73          $yourls_allowedtags_all = yourls_kses_array_lc( $yourls_allowedtags_all );
  74      }
  76      if( ! $yourls_allowedtags ) {
  77          $yourls_allowedtags = yourls_kses_allowed_tags();
  78          $yourls_allowedtags = array_map( '_yourls_add_global_attributes', $yourls_allowedtags );
  79          $yourls_allowedtags = yourls_apply_filter( 'kses_allowed_tags', $yourls_allowedtags );
  80      } else {
  81          // User defined: let's sanitize
  82          $yourls_allowedtags = yourls_kses_array_lc( $yourls_allowedtags );
  83      }
  85      /**/
  86  }
  88  /**
  89   * Kses global for all allowable HTML tags.
  90   *
  91   * Complete (?) list of HTML tags. Keep this function available for any plugin or
  92   * future feature that will want to display lots of HTML.
  93   *
  94   * @since 1.6
  95   *
  96   * @return array All tags
  97   */
  98  function yourls_kses_allowed_tags_all() {
  99      return array(
 100          'address' => array(),
 101          'a' => array(
 102              'href' => true,
 103              'rel' => true,
 104              'rev' => true,
 105              'name' => true,
 106              'target' => true,
 107          ),
 108          'abbr' => array(),
 109          'acronym' => array(),
 110          'area' => array(
 111              'alt' => true,
 112              'coords' => true,
 113              'href' => true,
 114              'nohref' => true,
 115              'shape' => true,
 116              'target' => true,
 117          ),
 118          'article' => array(
 119              'align' => true,
 120              'dir' => true,
 121              'lang' => true,
 122              'xml:lang' => true,
 123          ),
 124          'aside' => array(
 125              'align' => true,
 126              'dir' => true,
 127              'lang' => true,
 128              'xml:lang' => true,
 129          ),
 130          'b' => array(),
 131          'big' => array(),
 132          'blockquote' => array(
 133              'cite' => true,
 134              'lang' => true,
 135              'xml:lang' => true,
 136          ),
 137          'br' => array(),
 138          'button' => array(
 139              'disabled' => true,
 140              'name' => true,
 141              'type' => true,
 142              'value' => true,
 143          ),
 144          'caption' => array(
 145              'align' => true,
 146          ),
 147          'cite' => array(
 148              'dir' => true,
 149              'lang' => true,
 150          ),
 151          'code' => array(),
 152          'col' => array(
 153              'align' => true,
 154              'char' => true,
 155              'charoff' => true,
 156              'span' => true,
 157              'dir' => true,
 158              'valign' => true,
 159              'width' => true,
 160          ),
 161          'del' => array(
 162              'datetime' => true,
 163          ),
 164          'dd' => array(),
 165          'details' => array(
 166              'align' => true,
 167              'dir' => true,
 168              'lang' => true,
 169              'open' => true,
 170              'xml:lang' => true,
 171          ),
 172          'div' => array(
 173              'align' => true,
 174              'dir' => true,
 175              'lang' => true,
 176              'xml:lang' => true,
 177          ),
 178          'dl' => array(),
 179          'dt' => array(),
 180          'em' => array(),
 181          'fieldset' => array(),
 182          'figure' => array(
 183              'align' => true,
 184              'dir' => true,
 185              'lang' => true,
 186              'xml:lang' => true,
 187          ),
 188          'figcaption' => array(
 189              'align' => true,
 190              'dir' => true,
 191              'lang' => true,
 192              'xml:lang' => true,
 193          ),
 194          'font' => array(
 195              'color' => true,
 196              'face' => true,
 197              'size' => true,
 198          ),
 199          'footer' => array(
 200              'align' => true,
 201              'dir' => true,
 202              'lang' => true,
 203              'xml:lang' => true,
 204          ),
 205          'form' => array(
 206              'action' => true,
 207              'accept' => true,
 208              'accept-charset' => true,
 209              'enctype' => true,
 210              'method' => true,
 211              'name' => true,
 212              'target' => true,
 213          ),
 214          'h1' => array(
 215              'align' => true,
 216          ),
 217          'h2' => array(
 218              'align' => true,
 219          ),
 220          'h3' => array(
 221              'align' => true,
 222          ),
 223          'h4' => array(
 224              'align' => true,
 225          ),
 226          'h5' => array(
 227              'align' => true,
 228          ),
 229          'h6' => array(
 230              'align' => true,
 231          ),
 232          'header' => array(
 233              'align' => true,
 234              'dir' => true,
 235              'lang' => true,
 236              'xml:lang' => true,
 237          ),
 238          'hgroup' => array(
 239              'align' => true,
 240              'dir' => true,
 241              'lang' => true,
 242              'xml:lang' => true,
 243          ),
 244          'hr' => array(
 245              'align' => true,
 246              'noshade' => true,
 247              'size' => true,
 248              'width' => true,
 249          ),
 250          'i' => array(),
 251          'img' => array(
 252              'alt' => true,
 253              'align' => true,
 254              'border' => true,
 255              'height' => true,
 256              'hspace' => true,
 257              'longdesc' => true,
 258              'vspace' => true,
 259              'src' => true,
 260              'usemap' => true,
 261              'width' => true,
 262          ),
 263          'ins' => array(
 264              'datetime' => true,
 265              'cite' => true,
 266          ),
 267          'kbd' => array(),
 268          'label' => array(
 269              'for' => true,
 270          ),
 271          'legend' => array(
 272              'align' => true,
 273          ),
 274          'li' => array(
 275              'align' => true,
 276          ),
 277          'map' => array(
 278              'name' => true,
 279          ),
 280          'menu' => array(
 281              'type' => true,
 282          ),
 283          'nav' => array(
 284              'align' => true,
 285              'dir' => true,
 286              'lang' => true,
 287              'xml:lang' => true,
 288          ),
 289          'p' => array(
 290              'align' => true,
 291              'dir' => true,
 292              'lang' => true,
 293              'xml:lang' => true,
 294          ),
 295          'pre' => array(
 296              'width' => true,
 297          ),
 298          'q' => array(
 299              'cite' => true,
 300          ),
 301          's' => array(),
 302          'span' => array(
 303              'dir' => true,
 304              'align' => true,
 305              'lang' => true,
 306              'xml:lang' => true,
 307          ),
 308          'section' => array(
 309              'align' => true,
 310              'dir' => true,
 311              'lang' => true,
 312              'xml:lang' => true,
 313          ),
 314          'small' => array(),
 315          'strike' => array(),
 316          'strong' => array(),
 317          'sub' => array(),
 318          'summary' => array(
 319              'align' => true,
 320              'dir' => true,
 321              'lang' => true,
 322              'xml:lang' => true,
 323          ),
 324          'sup' => array(),
 325          'table' => array(
 326              'align' => true,
 327              'bgcolor' => true,
 328              'border' => true,
 329              'cellpadding' => true,
 330              'cellspacing' => true,
 331              'dir' => true,
 332              'rules' => true,
 333              'summary' => true,
 334              'width' => true,
 335          ),
 336          'tbody' => array(
 337              'align' => true,
 338              'char' => true,
 339              'charoff' => true,
 340              'valign' => true,
 341          ),
 342          'td' => array(
 343              'abbr' => true,
 344              'align' => true,
 345              'axis' => true,
 346              'bgcolor' => true,
 347              'char' => true,
 348              'charoff' => true,
 349              'colspan' => true,
 350              'dir' => true,
 351              'headers' => true,
 352              'height' => true,
 353              'nowrap' => true,
 354              'rowspan' => true,
 355              'scope' => true,
 356              'valign' => true,
 357              'width' => true,
 358          ),
 359          'textarea' => array(
 360              'cols' => true,
 361              'rows' => true,
 362              'disabled' => true,
 363              'name' => true,
 364              'readonly' => true,
 365          ),
 366          'tfoot' => array(
 367              'align' => true,
 368              'char' => true,
 369              'charoff' => true,
 370              'valign' => true,
 371          ),
 372          'th' => array(
 373              'abbr' => true,
 374              'align' => true,
 375              'axis' => true,
 376              'bgcolor' => true,
 377              'char' => true,
 378              'charoff' => true,
 379              'colspan' => true,
 380              'headers' => true,
 381              'height' => true,
 382              'nowrap' => true,
 383              'rowspan' => true,
 384              'scope' => true,
 385              'valign' => true,
 386              'width' => true,
 387          ),
 388          'thead' => array(
 389              'align' => true,
 390              'char' => true,
 391              'charoff' => true,
 392              'valign' => true,
 393          ),
 394          'title' => array(),
 395          'tr' => array(
 396              'align' => true,
 397              'bgcolor' => true,
 398              'char' => true,
 399              'charoff' => true,
 400              'valign' => true,
 401          ),
 402          'tt' => array(),
 403          'u' => array(),
 404          'ul' => array(
 405              'type' => true,
 406          ),
 407          'ol' => array(
 408              'start' => true,
 409              'type' => true,
 410          ),
 411          'var' => array(),
 412      );
 413  }
 415  /**
 416   * Kses global for default allowable HTML tags. TODO: trim down to necessary only.
 417   *
 418   * Short list of HTML tags used in YOURLS core for display
 419   *
 420   * @since 1.6
 421   *
 422   * @return array Allowed tags
 423   */
 424  function yourls_kses_allowed_tags() {
 425      return array(
 426          'a' => array(
 427              'href' => true,
 428              'title' => true,
 429          ),
 430          'abbr' => array(
 431              'title' => true,
 432          ),
 433          'acronym' => array(
 434              'title' => true,
 435          ),
 436          'b' => array(),
 437          'blockquote' => array(
 438              'cite' => true,
 439          ),
 440          'cite' => array(),
 441          'code' => array(),
 442          'del' => array(
 443              'datetime' => true,
 444          ),
 445          'em' => array(),
 446          'i' => array(),
 447          'q' => array(
 448              'cite' => true,
 449          ),
 450          'strike' => array(),
 451          'strong' => array(),
 452      );
 453  }
 455  /**
 456   * Kses global for allowable HTML entities.
 457   *
 458   * @since 1.6
 459   *
 460   * @return array Allowed entities
 461   */
 462  function yourls_kses_allowed_entities() {
 463      return array(
 464          'nbsp',    'iexcl',  'cent',    'pound',  'curren', 'yen',
 465          'brvbar',  'sect',   'uml',     'copy',   'ordf',   'laquo',
 466          'not',     'shy',    'reg',     'macr',   'deg',    'plusmn',
 467          'acute',   'micro',  'para',    'middot', 'cedil',  'ordm',
 468          'raquo',   'iquest', 'Agrave',  'Aacute', 'Acirc',  'Atilde',
 469          'Auml',    'Aring',  'AElig',   'Ccedil', 'Egrave', 'Eacute',
 470          'Ecirc',   'Euml',   'Igrave',  'Iacute', 'Icirc',  'Iuml',
 471          'ETH',     'Ntilde', 'Ograve',  'Oacute', 'Ocirc',  'Otilde',
 472          'Ouml',    'times',  'Oslash',  'Ugrave', 'Uacute', 'Ucirc',
 473          'Uuml',    'Yacute', 'THORN',   'szlig',  'agrave', 'aacute',
 474          'acirc',   'atilde', 'auml',    'aring',  'aelig',  'ccedil',
 475          'egrave',  'eacute', 'ecirc',   'euml',   'igrave', 'iacute',
 476          'icirc',   'iuml',   'eth',     'ntilde', 'ograve', 'oacute',
 477          'ocirc',   'otilde', 'ouml',    'divide', 'oslash', 'ugrave',
 478          'uacute',  'ucirc',  'uuml',    'yacute', 'thorn',  'yuml',
 479          'quot',    'amp',    'lt',      'gt',     'apos',   'OElig',
 480          'oelig',   'Scaron', 'scaron',  'Yuml',   'circ',   'tilde',
 481          'ensp',    'emsp',   'thinsp',  'zwnj',   'zwj',    'lrm',
 482          'rlm',     'ndash',  'mdash',   'lsquo',  'rsquo',  'sbquo',
 483          'ldquo',   'rdquo',  'bdquo',   'dagger', 'Dagger', 'permil',
 484          'lsaquo',  'rsaquo', 'euro',    'fnof',   'Alpha',  'Beta',
 485          'Gamma',   'Delta',  'Epsilon', 'Zeta',   'Eta',    'Theta',
 486          'Iota',    'Kappa',  'Lambda',  'Mu',     'Nu',     'Xi',
 487          'Omicron', 'Pi',     'Rho',     'Sigma',  'Tau',    'Upsilon',
 488          'Phi',     'Chi',    'Psi',     'Omega',  'alpha',  'beta',
 489          'gamma',   'delta',  'epsilon', 'zeta',   'eta',    'theta',
 490          'iota',    'kappa',  'lambda',  'mu',     'nu',     'xi',
 491          'omicron', 'pi',     'rho',     'sigmaf', 'sigma',  'tau',
 492          'upsilon', 'phi',    'chi',     'psi',    'omega',  'thetasym',
 493          'upsih',   'piv',    'bull',    'hellip', 'prime',  'Prime',
 494          'oline',   'frasl',  'weierp',  'image',  'real',   'trade',
 495          'alefsym', 'larr',   'uarr',    'rarr',   'darr',   'harr',
 496          'crarr',   'lArr',   'uArr',    'rArr',   'dArr',   'hArr',
 497          'forall',  'part',   'exist',   'empty',  'nabla',  'isin',
 498          'notin',   'ni',     'prod',    'sum',    'minus',  'lowast',
 499          'radic',   'prop',   'infin',   'ang',    'and',    'or',
 500          'cap',     'cup',    'int',     'sim',    'cong',   'asymp',
 501          'ne',      'equiv',  'le',      'ge',     'sub',    'sup',
 502          'nsub',    'sube',   'supe',    'oplus',  'otimes', 'perp',
 503          'sdot',    'lceil',  'rceil',   'lfloor', 'rfloor', 'lang',
 504          'rang',    'loz',    'spades',  'clubs',  'hearts', 'diams',
 505      );
 506  }
 508  /**
 509   * Kses global for allowable protocols.
 510   *
 511   * @since 1.6
 512   *
 513   * @return array Allowed protocols
 514   */
 515  function yourls_kses_allowed_protocols() {
 516      // More or less common stuff in links. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme
 517      return array(
 518          // Common
 519          'http://', 'https://', 'ftp://',
 520          'file://', 'smb://',
 521          'sftp://',
 522          'feed:', 'feed://',
 523          'mailto:',
 524          'news:', 'nntp://',
 526          // Old school bearded geek
 527          'gopher://', 'telnet://', 'finger://',
 528          'nntp://', 'worldwind://',
 530          // Dev
 531          'ssh://', 'svn://', 'svn+ssh://', 'git://', 'cvs://',
 532          'apt:',
 533          'market://', // Google Play
 534          'view-source:',
 536          // P2P
 537          'ed2k://', 'magnet:', 'udp://',
 539          // Streaming stuff
 540          'mms://', 'lastfm://', 'spotify:', 'rtsp://',
 542          // Text & voice
 543          'aim:', 'facetime://', 'gtalk:', 'xmpp:',
 544          'irc://', 'ircs://', 'mumble://',
 545          'callto:', 'skype:', 'sip:',
 546          'teamspeak://', 'tel:', 'ventrilo://', 'xfire:',
 547          'ymsgr:', 'tg://', 'whatsapp://',
 549          // Misc
 550          'steam:', 'steam://',
 551          'bitcoin:',
 552          'ldap://', 'ldaps://',
 554          // Purposedly removed for security
 555          /*
 556          'about:', 'chrome://', 'chrome-extension://',
 557          'javascript:',
 558          'data:',
 559          */
 560      );
 561  }
 564  /**
 565   * Converts and fixes HTML entities.
 566   *
 567   * This function normalizes HTML entities. It will convert "AT&T" to the correct
 568   * "AT&amp;T", "&#00058;" to "&#58;", "&#XYZZY;" to "&amp;#XYZZY;" and so on.
 569   *
 570   * @since 1.6
 571   *
 572   * @param string $string Content to normalize entities
 573   * @return string Content with normalized entities
 574   */
 575  function yourls_kses_normalize_entities($string) {
 576      # Disarm all entities by converting & to &amp;
 578      $string = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $string);
 580      # Change back the allowed entities in our entity whitelist
 582      $string = preg_replace_callback('/&amp;([A-Za-z]{2,8});/', 'yourls_kses_named_entities', $string);
 583      $string = preg_replace_callback('/&amp;#(0*[0-9]{1,7});/', 'yourls_kses_normalize_entities2', $string);
 584      $string = preg_replace_callback('/&amp;#[Xx](0*[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6});/', 'yourls_kses_normalize_entities3', $string);
 586      return $string;
 587  }
 589  /**
 590   * Callback for yourls_kses_normalize_entities() regular expression.
 591   *
 592   * This function only accepts valid named entity references, which are finite,
 593   * case-sensitive, and highly scrutinized by HTML and XML validators.
 594   *
 595   * @since 1.6
 596   *
 597   * @param array $matches preg_replace_callback() matches array
 598   * @return string Correctly encoded entity
 599   */
 600  function yourls_kses_named_entities($matches) {
 601      global $yourls_allowedentitynames;
 603      if ( empty($matches[1]) )
 604          return '';
 606      $i = $matches[1];
 607      return ( ( ! in_array($i, $yourls_allowedentitynames) ) ? "&amp;$i;" : "&$i;" );
 608  }
 610  /**
 611   * Callback for yourls_kses_normalize_entities() regular expression.
 612   *
 613   * This function helps yourls_kses_normalize_entities() to only accept 16-bit values
 614   * and nothing more for &#number; entities.
 615   *
 616   * @access private
 617   * @since 1.6
 618   *
 619   * @param array $matches preg_replace_callback() matches array
 620   * @return string Correctly encoded entity
 621   */
 622  function yourls_kses_normalize_entities2($matches) {
 623      if ( empty($matches[1]) )
 624          return '';
 626      $i = $matches[1];
 627      if (yourls_valid_unicode($i)) {
 628          $i = str_pad(ltrim($i,'0'), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
 629          $i = "&#$i;";
 630      } else {
 631          $i = "&amp;#$i;";
 632      }
 634      return $i;
 635  }
 637  /**
 638   * Callback for yourls_kses_normalize_entities() for regular expression.
 639   *
 640   * This function helps yourls_kses_normalize_entities() to only accept valid Unicode
 641   * numeric entities in hex form.
 642   *
 643   * @access private
 644   * @since 1.6
 645   *
 646   * @param array $matches preg_replace_callback() matches array
 647   * @return string Correctly encoded entity
 648   */
 649  function yourls_kses_normalize_entities3($matches) {
 650      if ( empty($matches[1]) )
 651          return '';
 653      $hexchars = $matches[1];
 654      return ( ( ! yourls_valid_unicode(hexdec($hexchars)) ) ? "&amp;#x$hexchars;" : '&#x'.ltrim($hexchars,'0').';' );
 655  }
 657  /**
 658   * Helper function to add global attributes to a tag in the allowed html list.
 659   *
 660   * @since 1.6
 661   * @access private
 662   *
 663   * @param array $value An array of attributes.
 664   * @return array The array of attributes with global attributes added.
 665   */
 666  function _yourls_add_global_attributes( $value ) {
 667      $global_attributes = array(
 668          'class' => true,
 669          'id' => true,
 670          'style' => true,
 671          'title' => true,
 672      );
 674      if ( true === $value )
 675          $value = array();
 677      if ( is_array( $value ) )
 678          return array_merge( $value, $global_attributes );
 680      return $value;
 681  }
 683  /**
 684   * Helper function to determine if a Unicode value is valid.
 685   *
 686   * @since 1.6
 687   *
 688   * @param int $i Unicode value
 689   * @return bool True if the value was a valid Unicode number
 690   */
 691  function yourls_valid_unicode($i) {
 692      return ( $i == 0x9 || $i == 0xa || $i == 0xd ||
 693              ($i >= 0x20 && $i <= 0xd7ff) ||
 694              ($i >= 0xe000 && $i <= 0xfffd) ||
 695              ($i >= 0x10000 && $i <= 0x10ffff) );
 696  }
 698  /**
 699   * Goes through an array and changes the keys to all lower case.
 700   *
 701   * @since 1.6
 702   *
 703   * @param array $inarray Unfiltered array
 704   * @return array Fixed array with all lowercase keys
 705   */
 706  function yourls_kses_array_lc($inarray) {
 707      $outarray = array ();
 709      foreach ( (array) $inarray as $inkey => $inval) {
 710          $outkey = strtolower($inkey);
 711          $outarray[$outkey] = array ();
 713          foreach ( (array) $inval as $inkey2 => $inval2) {
 714              $outkey2 = strtolower($inkey2);
 715              $outarray[$outkey][$outkey2] = $inval2;
 716          } # foreach $inval
 717      } # foreach $inarray
 719      return $outarray;
 720  }
 722  /**
 723   * Convert all entities to their character counterparts.
 724   *
 725   * This function decodes numeric HTML entities (&#65; and &#x41;). It doesn't do
 726   * anything with other entities like &auml;, but we don't need them in the URL
 727   * protocol whitelisting system anyway.
 728   *
 729   * @since 1.6
 730   *
 731   * @param string $string Content to change entities
 732   * @return string Content after decoded entities
 733   */
 734  function yourls_kses_decode_entities($string) {
 735      $string = preg_replace_callback('/&#([0-9]+);/', '_yourls_kses_decode_entities_chr', $string);
 736      $string = preg_replace_callback('/&#[Xx]([0-9A-Fa-f]+);/', '_yourls_kses_decode_entities_chr_hexdec', $string);
 738      return $string;
 739  }
 741  /**
 742   * Regex callback for yourls_kses_decode_entities()
 743   *
 744   * @since 1.6
 745   *
 746   * @param array $match preg match
 747   * @return string
 748   */
 749  function _yourls_kses_decode_entities_chr( $match ) {
 750      return chr( $match[1] );
 751  }
 753  /**
 754   * Regex callback for yourls_kses_decode_entities()
 755   *
 756   * @since 1.6
 757   *
 758   * @param array $match preg match
 759   * @return string
 760   */
 761  function _yourls_kses_decode_entities_chr_hexdec( $match ) {
 762      return chr( hexdec( $match[1] ) );
 763  }
 765  /**
 766   * Removes any null characters in $string.
 767   *
 768   * @since 1.6
 769   *
 770   * @param string $string
 771   * @return string
 772   */
 773  function yourls_kses_no_null($string) {
 774      $string = preg_replace( '/\0+/', '', $string );
 775      $string = preg_replace( '/(\\\\0)+/', '', $string );
 777      return $string;
 778  }

Generated: Fri Mar 28 05:10:25 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1