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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/includes/ -> functions-http.php (summary)

Functions that relate to HTTP requests On functions using the 3rd party library Requests: Their goal here is to provide convenient wrapper functions to the Requests library. There are 2 types of functions for each METHOD, where METHOD is 'get' or 'post' (implement more as needed) - yourls_http_METHOD() : Return a complete Response object (with ->body, ->headers, ->status_code, etc...) or a simple string (error message) - yourls_http_METHOD_body() : Return a string (response body) or null if there was an error

File Size: 528 lines (18 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 18 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

yourls_http_get( $url, $headers = array()   X-Ref
Perform a GET request, return response object or error string message

Notable object properties: body, headers, status_code

since: 1.7
return: mixed Response object, or error string
param: string $url     URL to request
param: array $headers  HTTP headers to send
param: array $data     GET data
param: array $options  Options to pass to Requests

yourls_http_get_body( $url, $headers = array()   X-Ref
Perform a GET request, return body or null if there was an error

since: 1.7
return: mixed String (page body) or null if error
param: string $url     URL to request
param: array $headers  HTTP headers to send
param: array $data     GET data
param: array $options  Options to pass to Requests

yourls_http_post( $url, $headers = array()   X-Ref
Perform a POST request, return response object

Notable object properties: body, headers, status_code

since: 1.7
return: mixed Response object, or error string
param: string $url     URL to request
param: array $headers  HTTP headers to send
param: array $data     POST data
param: array $options  Options to pass to Requests

yourls_http_post_body( $url, $headers = array()   X-Ref
Perform a POST request, return body

Wrapper for yourls_http_request()

since: 1.7
return: mixed String (page body) or null if error
param: string $url     URL to request
param: array $headers  HTTP headers to send
param: array $data     POST data
param: array $options  Options to pass to Requests

yourls_http_get_proxy()   X-Ref
Get proxy information

since: 1.7.1
return: mixed false if no proxy is defined, or string like '' or array like ('', 'username', 'password')

yourls_http_get_proxy_bypass_host()   X-Ref
Get list of hosts that should bypass the proxy

since: 1.7.1
return: mixed false if no host defined, or string like "example.com, *.mycorp.com"

yourls_http_default_options()   X-Ref
Default HTTP requests options for YOURLS

For a list of all available options, see function request() in /includes/Requests/Requests.php

since: 1.7
return: array Options

yourls_send_through_proxy( $url )   X-Ref
Whether URL should be sent through the proxy server.

Concept stolen from WordPress. The idea is to allow some URLs, including localhost and the YOURLS install itself,
to be requested directly and bypassing any defined proxy.

since: 1.7
return: bool true to request through proxy, false to request directly
param: string $url URL to check

yourls_http_request( $type, $url, $headers, $data, $options )   X-Ref
Perform a HTTP request, return response object

since: 1.7
return: object WpOrg\Requests\Response object
param: string $type HTTP request type (GET, POST)
param: string $url URL to request
param: array $headers Extra headers to send with the request
param: array $data Data to send either as a query string for GET requests, or in the body for POST requests
param: array $options Options for the request (see /includes/Requests/Requests.php:request())

yourls_http_user_agent()   X-Ref
Return funky user agent string

since: 1.5
return: string UA string

yourls_check_core_version()   X-Ref
Check api.yourls.org if there's a newer version of YOURLS

This function collects various stats to help us improve YOURLS. See the blog post about it:
Results of requests sent to api.yourls.org are stored in option 'core_version_checks' and is an object
with the following properties:
- failed_attempts : number of consecutive failed attempts
- last_attempt    : time() of last attempt
- last_result     : content retrieved from api.yourls.org during previous check
- version_checked : installed YOURLS version that was last checked

since: 1.7
return: mixed JSON data if api.yourls.org successfully requested, false otherwise

yourls_validate_core_version_response($json)   X-Ref
Make sure response from api.yourls.org is valid

1) we should get a json object with two following properties:
'latest' => a string representing a YOURLS version number, eg '1.2.3'
'zipurl' => a string for a zip package URL, from github, eg 'https://api.github.com/repos/YOURLS/YOURLS/zipball/1.2.3'
2) 'latest' and version extracted from 'zipurl' should match
3) the object should not contain any other key

since: 1.7.7
return: bool   true if seems legit, false otherwise
param: object $json  JSON object to check

yourls_get_version_from_zipball_url($zipurl)   X-Ref
Get version number from Github zipball URL (last part of URL, really)

since: 1.8.3
return: string
param: string $zipurl eg 'https://api.github.com/repos/YOURLS/YOURLS/zipball/1.2.3'

yourls_is_valid_github_repo_url($url)   X-Ref
Check if URL is from YOURLS/YOURLS repo on github

since: 1.8.3
return: bool
param: string $url  URL to check

yourls_validate_core_version_response_keys($json)   X-Ref
Check if object has only expected keys 'latest' and 'zipurl' containing strings

since: 1.8.3
return: bool
param: object $json

yourls_maybe_check_core_version()   X-Ref
Determine if we want to check for a newer YOURLS version (and check if applicable)

Currently checks are performed every 24h and only when someone is visiting an admin page.
In the future (1.8?) maybe check with cronjob emulation instead.

since: 1.7
return: bool true if a check was needed and successfully performed, false otherwise

yourls_skip_version_check()   X-Ref
Check if user setting for skipping version check is set

since: 1.8.2
return: bool

yourls_can_http_over_ssl()   X-Ref
Check if server can perform HTTPS requests, return bool

since: 1.7.1
return: bool whether the server can perform HTTP requests over SSL

Generated: Tue Jan 21 05:10:11 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1