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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/includes/ -> functions-formatting.php (summary)

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Defines 35 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

yourls_int2string($num, $chars = null)   X-Ref
Convert an integer (1337) to a string (3jk).

param: int $num       Number to convert
param: string $chars  Characters to use for conversion
return: string        Converted number

yourls_string2int($string, $chars = null)   X-Ref
Convert a string (3jk) to an integer (1337)

param: string $string  String to convert
param: string $chars   Characters to use for conversion
return: string         Number (as a string)

yourls_unique_element_id($prefix = 'yid', $initial_val = 1)   X-Ref
Return a unique string to be used as a valid HTML id

param: string $prefix      Optional prefix
param: int    $initial_val The initial counter value (defaults to one)
return: string              The unique string
since: 1.8.3

yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword, $restrict_to_shorturl_charset = false )   X-Ref
Make sure a link keyword (ie "1fv" as in "http://sho.rt/1fv") is acceptable

If we are ADDING or EDITING a short URL, the keyword must comply to the short URL charset: every
character that doesn't belong to it will be removed.
But otherwise we must have a more conservative approach: we could be checking for a keyword that
was once valid but now the short URL charset has changed. In such a case, we are treating the keyword for what
it is: just a part of a URL, hence sanitize it as a URL.

param: string $keyword                        short URL keyword
param: bool   $restrict_to_shorturl_charset   Optional, default false. True if we want the keyword to comply to short URL charset
return: string                                 The sanitized keyword

yourls_sanitize_title( $unsafe_title, $fallback = '' )   X-Ref
Sanitize a page title. No HTML per W3C http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#h-7.4.2

param: string $unsafe_title  Title, potentially unsafe
param: string $fallback      Optional fallback if after sanitization nothing remains
return: string               Safe title
since: 1.5

yourls_sanitize_url( $unsafe_url, $protocols = array()   X-Ref
A few sanity checks on the URL. Used for redirection or DB.
For redirection when you don't trust the URL ($_SERVER variable, query string), see yourls_sanitize_url_safe()
For display purpose, see yourls_esc_url()

param: string $unsafe_url unsafe URL
param: array $protocols Optional allowed protocols, default to global $yourls_allowedprotocols
return: string Safe URL

yourls_sanitize_url_safe( $unsafe_url, $protocols = array()   X-Ref
A few sanity checks on the URL, including CRLF. Used for redirection when URL to be sanitized is critical and cannot be trusted.

Use when critical URL comes from user input or environment variable. In such a case, this function will sanitize
it like yourls_sanitize_url() but will also remove %0A and %0D to prevent CRLF injection.
Still, some legit URLs contain %0A or %0D (see issue 2056, and for extra fun 1694, 1707, 2030, and maybe others)
so we're not using this function unless it's used for internal redirection when the target location isn't
hardcoded, to avoid XSS via CRLF

param: string $unsafe_url unsafe URL
param: array $protocols Optional allowed protocols, default to global $yourls_allowedprotocols
return: string Safe URL
since: 1.7.2

yourls_deep_replace($search, $subject )   X-Ref
Perform a replacement while a string is found, eg $subject = '%0%0%0DDD', $search ='%0D' -> $result =''

Stolen from WP's _deep_replace

param: string|array $search   Needle, or array of needles.
param: string       $subject  Haystack.
return: string                The string with the replaced values.

yourls_sanitize_int($int )   X-Ref
Make sure an integer is a valid integer (PHP's intval() limits to too small numbers)

param: int $int  Integer to check
return: string   Integer as a string

yourls_sanitize_ip($ip )   X-Ref
Sanitize an IP address
No check on validity, just return a sanitized string

param: string $ip  IP address
return: string     IP address

yourls_sanitize_date($date )   X-Ref
Make sure a date is m(m)/d(d)/yyyy, return false otherwise

param: string $date  Date to check
return: false|mixed  Date in format m(m)/d(d)/yyyy or false if invalid

yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql($date)   X-Ref
Sanitize a date for SQL search. Return false if malformed input.

param: string $date   Date
return: false|string  String in Y-m-d format for SQL search or false if malformed input

yourls_trim_long_string($string, $length = 60, $append = '[...]')   X-Ref
Return trimmed string, optionally append '[...]' if string is too long

param: string $string  String to trim
param: int $length     Maximum length of string
param: string $append  String to append if trimmed
return: string         Trimmed string

yourls_sanitize_version( $version )   X-Ref
Sanitize a version number (1.4.1-whatever-RC1 -> 1.4.1)

The regexp searches for the first digits, then a period, then more digits and periods, and discards
all the rest.
For instance, 'mysql-5.5-beta' and '5.5-RC1' return '5.5'

param: string $version  Version number
return: string           Sanitized version number
since: 1.4.1

yourls_sanitize_filename($file)   X-Ref
Sanitize a filename (no Win32 stuff)

param: string $file  File name
return: string|null  Sanitized file name (or null if it's just backslashes, ok...)

yourls_seems_utf8($str)   X-Ref
Check if a string seems to be UTF-8. Stolen from WP.

param: string $str  String to check
return: bool        Whether string seems valid UTF-8

yourls_supports_pcre_u()   X-Ref
Check for PCRE /u modifier support. Stolen from WP.

Just in case "PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8" which seems to happen
on some distros

return: bool whether there's /u support or not
since: 1.7.1

yourls_check_invalid_utf8( $string, $strip = false )   X-Ref
Checks for invalid UTF8 in a string. Stolen from WP

param: string $string The text which is to be checked.
param: boolean $strip Optional. Whether to attempt to strip out invalid UTF8. Default is false.
return: string The checked text.
since: 1.6

yourls_specialchars( $string, $quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES, $double_encode = false )   X-Ref
Converts a number of special characters into their HTML entities. Stolen from WP.

Specifically deals with: &, <, >, ", and '.

$quote_style can be set to ENT_COMPAT to encode " to
&quot;, or ENT_QUOTES to do both. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES where no quotes are encoded.

param: string $string The text which is to be encoded.
param: mixed $quote_style Optional. Converts double quotes if set to ENT_COMPAT, both single and double if set to ENT_QUOTES or none if set to ENT_NOQUOTES. Also compatible with old values; converting single quotes if set to 'single', double if set to 'double' or both if otherwise set. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES.
param: boolean $double_encode Optional. Whether to encode existing html entities. Default is false.
return: string The encoded text with HTML entities.
since: 1.6

yourls_specialchars_decode( $string, $quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES )   X-Ref
Converts a number of HTML entities into their special characters. Stolen from WP.

Specifically deals with: &, <, >, ", and '.

$quote_style can be set to ENT_COMPAT to decode " entities,
or ENT_QUOTES to do both " and '. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES where no quotes are decoded.

param: string $string The text which is to be decoded.
param: mixed $quote_style Optional. Converts double quotes if set to ENT_COMPAT, both single and double if set to ENT_QUOTES or none if set to ENT_NOQUOTES. Also compatible with old _wp_specialchars() values; converting single quotes if set to 'single', double if set to 'double' or both if otherwise set. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES.
return: string The decoded text without HTML entities.
since: 1.6

yourls_esc_html( $text )   X-Ref
Escaping for HTML blocks. Stolen from WP

param: string $text
return: string
since: 1.6

yourls_esc_attr( $text )   X-Ref
Escaping for HTML attributes.  Stolen from WP

param: string $text
return: string
since: 1.6

yourls_esc_url( $url, $context = 'display', $protocols = array()   X-Ref
Checks and cleans a URL before printing it. Stolen from WP.

A number of characters are removed from the URL. If the URL is for displaying
(the default behaviour) ampersands are also replaced.

This function by default "escapes" URL for display purpose (param $context = 'display') but can
take extra steps in URL sanitization. See yourls_sanitize_url() and yourls_sanitize_url_safe()

param: string $url The URL to be cleaned.
param: string $context 'display' or something else. Use yourls_sanitize_url() for database or redirection usage.
param: array $protocols Optional. Array of allowed protocols, defaults to global $yourls_allowedprotocols
return: string The cleaned $url
since: 1.6

yourls_normalize_uri( $url )   X-Ref
Normalize a URI : lowercase scheme and domain, convert IDN to UTF8

All in one example: 'HTTP://XN--mgbuq0c.Com/AbCd' -> 'http://طارق.com/AbCd'
See issues 591, 1630, 1889, 2691

This function is trickier than what seems to be needed at first

First, we need to handle several URI types: http://example.com, mailto:[email protected], facetime:[email protected], and so on, see
yourls_kses_allowed_protocols() in functions-kses.php
The general rule is that the scheme ("stuff://" or "stuff:") is case insensitive and should be lowercase. But then, depending on the
scheme, parts of what follows the scheme may or may not be case sensitive.

Second, simply using parse_url() and its opposite http_build_url() is a pretty unsafe process:
- parse_url() can easily trip up on malformed or weird URLs
- exploding a URL with parse_url(), lowercasing some stuff, and glueing things back with http_build_url() does not handle well
"stuff:"-like URI [1] and can result in URLs ending modified [2][3]. We don't want to *validate* URI, we just want to lowercase
what is supposed to be lowercased.

So, to be conservative, this function:
- lowercases the scheme
- does not lowercase anything else on "stuff:" URI
- tries to lowercase only scheme and domain of "stuff://" URI

[1] http_build_url(parse_url("mailto:ozh")) == "mailto:///ozh"
[2] http_build_url(parse_url("http://blah#omg")) == "http://blah/#omg"
[3] http_build_url(parse_url("http://blah?#")) == "http://blah/"

param: string $url URL
return: string URL with lowercase scheme and protocol
since: 1.7.1

yourls_esc_js( $text )   X-Ref
Escape single quotes, htmlspecialchar " < > &, and fix line endings. Stolen from WP.

Escapes text strings for echoing in JS. It is intended to be used for inline JS
(in a tag attribute, for example onclick="..."). Note that the strings have to
be in single quotes. The filter 'js_escape' is also applied here.

param: string $text The text to be escaped.
return: string Escaped text.
since: 1.6

yourls_esc_textarea( $text )   X-Ref
Escaping for textarea values. Stolen from WP.

param: string $text
return: string
since: 1.6

yourls_backslashit($string)   X-Ref
Adds backslashes before letters and before a number at the start of a string. Stolen from WP.

param: string $string Value to which backslashes will be added.
return: string String with backslashes inserted.
since: 1.6

yourls_is_rawurlencoded( $string )   X-Ref
Check if a string seems to be urlencoded

We use rawurlencode instead of urlencode to avoid messing with '+'

param: string $string
return: bool
since: 1.7

yourls_rawurldecode_while_encoded( $string )   X-Ref
rawurldecode a string till it's not encoded anymore

Deals with multiple encoding (eg "%2521" => "%21" => "!").
See https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/issues/1303

param: string $string
return: string
since: 1.7

yourls_make_bookmarklet( $code )   X-Ref
Converts readable Javascript code into a valid bookmarklet link

Uses https://github.com/ozh/bookmarkletgen

param: string $code  Javascript code
return: string        Bookmarklet link
since: 1.7.1

yourls_get_timestamp( $timestamp )   X-Ref
Return a timestamp, plus or minus the time offset if defined

param: string|int $timestamp  a timestamp
return: int                    a timestamp, plus or minus offset if defined
since: 1.7.10

yourls_get_time_offset()   X-Ref
Get time offset, as defined in config, filtered

return: int       Time offset
since: 1.7.10

yourls_get_datetime_format( $format )   X-Ref
Return a date() format for a full date + time, filtered

param: string $format  Date format string
return: string          Date format string
since: 1.7.10

yourls_get_date_format( $format )   X-Ref
Return a date() format for date (no time), filtered

param: string $format  Date format string
return: string          Date format string
since: 1.7.10

yourls_get_time_format( $format )   X-Ref
Return a date() format for a time (no date), filtered

param: string $format  Date format string
return: string          Date format string
since: 1.7.10

Generated: Wed Sep 18 05:10:18 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1