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1 <?php 2 /** 3 * Function related to authentication functions and nonces 4 */ 5 6 7 /** 8 * Show login form if required 9 * 10 * @return void 11 */ 12 function yourls_maybe_require_auth() { 13 if( yourls_is_private() ) { 14 yourls_do_action( 'require_auth' ); 15 require_once ( YOURLS_INC.'/auth.php' ); 16 } else { 17 yourls_do_action( 'require_no_auth' ); 18 } 19 } 20 21 /** 22 * Check for valid user via login form or stored cookie. Returns true or an error message 23 * 24 * @return bool|string|mixed true if valid user, error message otherwise. Can also call yourls_die() or redirect to login page. Oh my. 25 */ 26 function yourls_is_valid_user() { 27 // Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function 28 $pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_is_valid_user', null ); 29 if ( null !== $pre ) { 30 return $pre; 31 } 32 33 // $unfiltered_valid : are credentials valid? Boolean value. It's "unfiltered" to allow plugins to eventually filter it. 34 $unfiltered_valid = false; 35 36 // Logout request 37 if( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && $_GET['action'] == 'logout' && isset( $_REQUEST['nonce'] ) ) { 38 // The logout nonce is associated to fake user 'logout' since at this point we don't know the real user 39 yourls_verify_nonce('admin_logout', $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'logout'); 40 yourls_do_action( 'logout' ); 41 yourls_store_cookie( '' ); 42 return yourls__( 'Logged out successfully' ); 43 } 44 45 // Check cookies or login request. Login form has precedence. 46 47 yourls_do_action( 'pre_login' ); 48 49 // Determine auth method and check credentials 50 if 51 // API only: Secure (no login or pwd) and time limited token 52 // ?timestamp=12345678&signature=md5(totoblah12345678) 53 ( yourls_is_API() && 54 isset( $_REQUEST['timestamp'] ) && !empty($_REQUEST['timestamp'] ) && 55 isset( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) && !empty($_REQUEST['signature'] ) 56 ) 57 { 58 yourls_do_action( 'pre_login_signature_timestamp' ); 59 $unfiltered_valid = yourls_check_signature_timestamp(); 60 } 61 62 elseif 63 // API only: Secure (no login or pwd) 64 // ?signature=md5(totoblah) 65 ( yourls_is_API() && 66 !isset( $_REQUEST['timestamp'] ) && 67 isset( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) 68 ) 69 { 70 yourls_do_action( 'pre_login_signature' ); 71 $unfiltered_valid = yourls_check_signature(); 72 } 73 74 elseif 75 // API or normal: login with username & pwd 76 ( isset( $_REQUEST['username'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['password'] ) 77 && !empty( $_REQUEST['username'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['password'] ) ) 78 { 79 yourls_do_action( 'pre_login_username_password' ); 80 $unfiltered_valid = yourls_check_username_password(); 81 } 82 83 elseif 84 // Normal only: cookies 85 ( !yourls_is_API() && 86 isset( $_COOKIE[ yourls_cookie_name() ] ) ) 87 { 88 yourls_do_action( 'pre_login_cookie' ); 89 $unfiltered_valid = yourls_check_auth_cookie(); 90 } 91 92 // Regardless of validity, allow plugins to filter the boolean and have final word 93 $valid = yourls_apply_filter( 'is_valid_user', $unfiltered_valid ); 94 95 // Login for the win! 96 if ( $valid ) { 97 yourls_do_action( 'login' ); 98 99 // (Re)store encrypted cookie if needed 100 if ( !yourls_is_API() ) { 101 yourls_store_cookie( YOURLS_USER ); 102 103 // Login form : redirect to requested URL to avoid re-submitting the login form on page reload 104 if( isset( $_REQUEST['username'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['password'] ) && isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { 105 // The return makes sure we exit this function before waiting for redirection. 106 // See #3189 and note in yourls_redirect() 107 return yourls_redirect( yourls_sanitize_url_safe($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ); 108 } 109 } 110 111 // Login successful 112 return true; 113 } 114 115 // Login failed 116 yourls_do_action( 'login_failed' ); 117 118 if ( isset( $_REQUEST['username'] ) || isset( $_REQUEST['password'] ) ) { 119 return yourls__( 'Invalid username or password' ); 120 } else { 121 return yourls__( 'Please log in' ); 122 } 123 } 124 125 /** 126 * Check auth against list of login=>pwd. Sets user if applicable, returns bool 127 * 128 * @return bool true if login/pwd pair is valid (and sets user if applicable), false otherwise 129 */ 130 function yourls_check_username_password() { 131 global $yourls_user_passwords; 132 133 // If login form (not API), check for nonce 134 if(!yourls_is_API()) { 135 yourls_verify_nonce('admin_login'); 136 } 137 138 if( isset( $yourls_user_passwords[ $_REQUEST['username'] ] ) && yourls_check_password_hash( $_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'] ) ) { 139 yourls_set_user( $_REQUEST['username'] ); 140 return true; 141 } 142 return false; 143 } 144 145 /** 146 * Check a submitted password sent in plain text against stored password which can be a salted hash 147 * 148 * @param string $user 149 * @param string $submitted_password 150 * @return bool 151 */ 152 function yourls_check_password_hash($user, $submitted_password ) { 153 global $yourls_user_passwords; 154 155 if( !isset( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] ) ) 156 return false; 157 158 if ( yourls_has_phpass_password( $user ) ) { 159 // Stored password is hashed 160 list( , $hash ) = explode( ':', $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] ); 161 $hash = str_replace( '!', '$', $hash ); 162 return ( yourls_phpass_check( $submitted_password, $hash ) ); 163 } else if( yourls_has_md5_password( $user ) ) { 164 // Stored password is a salted md5 hash: "md5:<$r = rand(10000,99999)>:<md5($r.'thepassword')>" 165 list( , $salt, ) = explode( ':', $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] ); 166 return( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] == 'md5:'.$salt.':'.md5( $salt . $submitted_password ) ); 167 } else { 168 // Password stored in clear text 169 return( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] === $submitted_password ); 170 } 171 } 172 173 /** 174 * Overwrite plaintext passwords in config file with hashed versions. 175 * 176 * @since 1.7 177 * @param string $config_file Full path to file 178 * @return true|string if overwrite was successful, an error message otherwise 179 */ 180 function yourls_hash_passwords_now( $config_file ) { 181 if( !is_readable( $config_file ) ) { 182 yourls_debug_log( 'Cannot hash passwords: cannot read file ' . $config_file ); 183 return 'cannot read file'; // not sure that can actually happen... 184 } 185 186 if( !is_writable( $config_file ) ) { 187 yourls_debug_log( 'Cannot hash passwords: cannot write file ' . $config_file ); 188 return 'cannot write file'; 189 } 190 191 $yourls_user_passwords = []; 192 // Include file to read value of $yourls_user_passwords 193 // Temporary suppress error reporting to avoid notices about redeclared constants 194 $errlevel = error_reporting(); 195 error_reporting( 0 ); 196 require $config_file; 197 error_reporting( $errlevel ); 198 199 $configdata = file_get_contents( $config_file ); 200 201 if( $configdata == false ) { 202 yourls_debug_log('Cannot hash passwords: file_get_contents() false with ' . $config_file); 203 return 'could not read file'; 204 } 205 206 $to_hash = 0; // keep track of number of passwords that need hashing 207 foreach ( $yourls_user_passwords as $user => $password ) { 208 // avoid "deprecated" warning when password is null -- see test case in tests/data/auth/preg_replace_problem.php 209 $password ??= ''; 210 if ( !yourls_has_phpass_password( $user ) && !yourls_has_md5_password( $user ) ) { 211 $to_hash++; 212 $hash = yourls_phpass_hash( $password ); 213 // PHP would interpret $ as a variable, so replace it in storage. 214 $hash = str_replace( '$', '!', $hash ); 215 $quotes = "'" . '"'; 216 $pattern = "/[$quotes]" . preg_quote( $user, '/' ) . "[$quotes]\s*=>\s*[$quotes]" . preg_quote( $password, '/' ) . "[$quotes]/"; 217 $replace = "'$user' => 'phpass:$hash' /* Password encrypted by YOURLS */ "; 218 $count = 0; 219 $configdata = preg_replace( $pattern, $replace, $configdata, -1, $count ); 220 // There should be exactly one replacement. Otherwise, fast fail. 221 if ( $count != 1 ) { 222 yourls_debug_log( "Problem with preg_replace for password hash of user $user" ); 223 return 'preg_replace problem'; 224 } 225 } 226 } 227 228 if( $to_hash == 0 ) { 229 yourls_debug_log('Cannot hash passwords: no password found in ' . $config_file); 230 return 'no password found'; 231 } 232 233 $success = file_put_contents( $config_file, $configdata ); 234 if ( $success === FALSE ) { 235 yourls_debug_log( 'Failed writing to ' . $config_file ); 236 return 'could not write file'; 237 } 238 239 yourls_debug_log('Successfully encrypted passwords in ' . basename($config_file)); 240 return true; 241 } 242 243 /** 244 * Create a password hash 245 * 246 * @since 1.7 247 * @param string $password password to hash 248 * @return string hashed password 249 */ 250 function yourls_phpass_hash( $password ) { 251 /** 252 * Filter for hashing algorithm. See https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.password-hash.php 253 * Hashing algos are available if PHP was compiled with it. 254 * PASSWORD_BCRYPT is always available. 255 */ 256 $algo = yourls_apply_filter('hash_algo', PASSWORD_BCRYPT); 257 258 /** 259 * Filter for hashing options. See https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.password-hash.php 260 * A typical option for PASSWORD_BCRYPT would be ['cost' => <int in range 4-31> ] 261 * We're leaving the options at default values, which means a cost of 10 for PASSWORD_BCRYPT. 262 * 263 * If willing to modify this, be warned about the computing time, as there is a 2^n factor. 264 * See https://gist.github.com/ozh/65a75392b7cb254131cc55afd28de99b for examples. 265 */ 266 $options = yourls_apply_filter('hash_options', [] ); 267 268 return password_hash($password, $algo, $options); 269 } 270 271 /** 272 * Verify that a password matches a hash 273 * 274 * @since 1.7 275 * @param string $password clear (eg submitted in a form) password 276 * @param string $hash hash 277 * @return bool true if the hash matches the password, false otherwise 278 */ 279 function yourls_phpass_check( $password, $hash ) { 280 return password_verify($password, $hash); 281 } 282 283 284 /** 285 * Check to see if any passwords are stored as cleartext. 286 * 287 * @since 1.7 288 * @return bool true if any passwords are cleartext 289 */ 290 function yourls_has_cleartext_passwords() { 291 global $yourls_user_passwords; 292 foreach ( $yourls_user_passwords as $user => $pwdata ) { 293 if ( !yourls_has_md5_password( $user ) && !yourls_has_phpass_password( $user ) ) { 294 return true; 295 } 296 } 297 return false; 298 } 299 300 /** 301 * Check if a user has a md5 hashed password 302 * 303 * Check if a user password is 'md5:[38 chars]'. 304 * TODO: deprecate this when/if we have proper user management with password hashes stored in the DB 305 * 306 * @since 1.7 307 * @param string $user user login 308 * @return bool true if password hashed, false otherwise 309 */ 310 function yourls_has_md5_password( $user ) { 311 global $yourls_user_passwords; 312 return( isset( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] ) 313 && substr( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ], 0, 4 ) == 'md5:' 314 && strlen( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] ) == 42 // http://www.google.com/search?q=the+answer+to+life+the+universe+and+everything 315 ); 316 } 317 318 /** 319 * Check if a user's password is hashed with password_hash 320 * 321 * Check if a user password is 'phpass:[lots of chars]'. 322 * (For historical reason we're using 'phpass' as an identifier.) 323 * TODO: deprecate this when/if we have proper user management with password hashes stored in the DB 324 * 325 * @since 1.7 326 * @param string $user user login 327 * @return bool true if password hashed with password_hash, otherwise false 328 */ 329 function yourls_has_phpass_password( $user ) { 330 global $yourls_user_passwords; 331 return( isset( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ] ) 332 && substr( $yourls_user_passwords[ $user ], 0, 7 ) == 'phpass:' 333 ); 334 } 335 336 /** 337 * Check auth against encrypted COOKIE data. Sets user if applicable, returns bool 338 * 339 * @return bool true if authenticated, false otherwise 340 */ 341 function yourls_check_auth_cookie() { 342 global $yourls_user_passwords; 343 foreach( $yourls_user_passwords as $valid_user => $valid_password ) { 344 if ( yourls_cookie_value( $valid_user ) === $_COOKIE[ yourls_cookie_name() ] ) { 345 yourls_set_user( $valid_user ); 346 return true; 347 } 348 } 349 return false; 350 } 351 352 /** 353 * Check auth against signature and timestamp. Sets user if applicable, returns bool 354 * 355 * Original usage : 356 * http://sho.rt/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<timestamp>&signature=<md5 hash>&action=... 357 * Since 1.7.7 we allow a `hash` parameter and an arbitrary hashed signature, hashed 358 * with the `hash` function. Examples : 359 * http://sho.rt/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<timestamp>&signature=<sha512 hash>&hash=sha512&action=... 360 * http://sho.rt/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<timestamp>&signature=<crc32 hash>&hash=crc32&action=... 361 * 362 * @since 1.4.1 363 * @return bool False if signature or timestamp missing or invalid, true if valid 364 */ 365 function yourls_check_signature_timestamp() { 366 if( !isset( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) OR empty( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) 367 OR !isset( $_REQUEST['timestamp'] ) OR empty( $_REQUEST['timestamp'] ) 368 ) { 369 return false; 370 } 371 372 // Exit if the timestamp argument is outdated or invalid 373 if( !yourls_check_timestamp( $_REQUEST['timestamp'] )) { 374 return false; 375 } 376 377 // if there is a hash argument, make sure it's part of the availables algos 378 $hash_function = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? (string)$_REQUEST['hash'] : 'md5'; 379 if( !in_array($hash_function, hash_algos()) ) { 380 return false; 381 } 382 383 // Check signature & timestamp against all possible users 384 global $yourls_user_passwords; 385 foreach( $yourls_user_passwords as $valid_user => $valid_password ) { 386 if ( 387 hash( $hash_function, $_REQUEST['timestamp'].yourls_auth_signature( $valid_user ) ) === $_REQUEST['signature'] 388 or 389 hash( $hash_function, yourls_auth_signature( $valid_user ).$_REQUEST['timestamp'] ) === $_REQUEST['signature'] 390 ) { 391 yourls_set_user( $valid_user ); 392 return true; 393 } 394 } 395 396 // Signature doesn't match known user 397 return false; 398 } 399 400 /** 401 * Check auth against signature. Sets user if applicable, returns bool 402 * 403 * @since 1.4.1 404 * @return bool False if signature missing or invalid, true if valid 405 */ 406 function yourls_check_signature() { 407 if( !isset( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) OR empty( $_REQUEST['signature'] ) ) 408 return false; 409 410 // Check signature against all possible users 411 global $yourls_user_passwords; 412 foreach( $yourls_user_passwords as $valid_user => $valid_password ) { 413 if ( yourls_auth_signature( $valid_user ) === $_REQUEST['signature'] ) { 414 yourls_set_user( $valid_user ); 415 return true; 416 } 417 } 418 419 // Signature doesn't match known user 420 return false; 421 } 422 423 /** 424 * Generate secret signature hash 425 * 426 * @param false|string $username Username to generate signature for, or false to use current user 427 * @return string Signature 428 */ 429 function yourls_auth_signature( $username = false ) { 430 if( !$username && defined('YOURLS_USER') ) { 431 $username = YOURLS_USER; 432 } 433 return ( $username ? substr( yourls_salt( $username ), 0, 10 ) : 'Cannot generate auth signature: no username' ); 434 } 435 436 /** 437 * Check if timestamp is not too old 438 * 439 * @param int $time Timestamp to check 440 * @return bool True if timestamp is valid 441 */ 442 function yourls_check_timestamp( $time ) { 443 $now = time(); 444 // Allow timestamp to be a little in the future or the past -- see Issue 766 445 return yourls_apply_filter( 'check_timestamp', abs( $now - (int)$time ) < yourls_get_nonce_life(), $time ); 446 } 447 448 /** 449 * Store new cookie. No $user will delete the cookie. 450 * 451 * @param string $user User login, or empty string to delete cookie 452 * @return void 453 */ 454 function yourls_store_cookie( $user = '' ) { 455 456 // No user will delete the cookie with a cookie time from the past 457 if( !$user ) { 458 $time = time() - 3600; 459 } else { 460 $time = time() + yourls_get_cookie_life(); 461 } 462 463 $path = yourls_apply_filter( 'setcookie_path', '/' ); 464 $domain = yourls_apply_filter( 'setcookie_domain', parse_url( yourls_get_yourls_site(), PHP_URL_HOST ) ); 465 $secure = yourls_apply_filter( 'setcookie_secure', yourls_is_ssl() ); 466 $httponly = yourls_apply_filter( 'setcookie_httponly', true ); 467 468 // Some browsers refuse to store localhost cookie 469 if ( $domain == 'localhost' ) 470 $domain = ''; 471 472 yourls_do_action( 'pre_setcookie', $user, $time, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly ); 473 474 if ( !headers_sent( $filename, $linenum ) ) { 475 yourls_setcookie( yourls_cookie_name(), yourls_cookie_value( $user ), $time, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly ); 476 } else { 477 // For some reason cookies were not stored: action to be able to debug that 478 yourls_do_action( 'setcookie_failed', $user ); 479 yourls_debug_log( "Could not store cookie: headers already sent in $filename on line $linenum" ); 480 } 481 } 482 483 /** 484 * Replacement for PHP's setcookie(), with support for SameSite cookie attribute 485 * 486 * @see https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/samesite-examples/blob/master/php.md 487 * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/59654832/36850 488 * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php 489 * 490 * @since 1.7.7 491 * @param string $name cookie name 492 * @param string $value cookie value 493 * @param int $expire time the cookie expires as a Unix timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch) 494 * @param string $path path on the server in which the cookie will be available on 495 * @param string $domain (sub)domain that the cookie is available to 496 * @param bool $secure if cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection 497 * @param bool $httponly if cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol 498 * @return bool setcookie() result : false if output sent before, true otherwise. This does not indicate whether the user accepted the cookie. 499 */ 500 function yourls_setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly) { 501 $samesite = yourls_apply_filter('setcookie_samesite', 'Lax' ); 502 503 return(setcookie($name, $value, array( 504 'expires' => $expire, 505 'path' => $path, 506 'domain' => $domain, 507 'samesite' => $samesite, 508 'secure' => $secure, 509 'httponly' => $httponly, 510 ))); 511 } 512 513 /** 514 * Set user name 515 * 516 * @param string $user Username 517 * @return void 518 */ 519 function yourls_set_user( $user ) { 520 if( !defined( 'YOURLS_USER' ) ) 521 define( 'YOURLS_USER', $user ); 522 } 523 524 /** 525 * Get YOURLS_COOKIE_LIFE value (ie the life span of an auth cookie in seconds) 526 * 527 * Use this function instead of directly using the constant. This way, its value can be modified by plugins 528 * on a per case basis 529 * 530 * @since 1.7.7 531 * @see includes/Config/Config.php 532 * @return integer cookie life span, in seconds 533 */ 534 function yourls_get_cookie_life() { 535 return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_cookie_life', YOURLS_COOKIE_LIFE ); 536 } 537 538 /** 539 * Get YOURLS_NONCE_LIFE value (ie life span of a nonce in seconds) 540 * 541 * Use this function instead of directly using the constant. This way, its value can be modified by plugins 542 * on a per case basis 543 * 544 * @since 1.7.7 545 * @see includes/Config/Config.php 546 * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_nonce 547 * @return integer nonce life span, in seconds 548 */ 549 function yourls_get_nonce_life() { 550 return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_nonce_life', YOURLS_NONCE_LIFE ); 551 } 552 553 /** 554 * Get YOURLS cookie name 555 * 556 * The name is unique for each install, to prevent mismatch between sho.rt and very.sho.rt -- see #1673 557 * 558 * TODO: when multi user is implemented, the whole cookie stuff should be reworked to allow storing multiple users 559 * 560 * @since 1.7.1 561 * @return string unique cookie name for a given YOURLS site 562 */ 563 function yourls_cookie_name() { 564 return yourls_apply_filter( 'cookie_name', 'yourls_' . yourls_salt( yourls_get_yourls_site() ) ); 565 } 566 567 /** 568 * Get auth cookie value 569 * 570 * @since 1.7.7 571 * @param string $user user name 572 * @return string cookie value 573 */ 574 function yourls_cookie_value( $user ) { 575 return yourls_apply_filter( 'set_cookie_value', yourls_salt( $user ?? '' ), $user ); 576 } 577 578 /** 579 * Return a time-dependent string for nonce creation 580 * 581 * Actually, this returns a float: ceil rounds up a value but is of type float, see https://www.php.net/ceil 582 * 583 * @return float 584 */ 585 function yourls_tick() { 586 return ceil( time() / yourls_get_nonce_life() ); 587 } 588 589 /** 590 * Return hashed string 591 * 592 * This function is badly named, it's not a salt or a salted string : it's a cryptographic hash. 593 * 594 * @since 1.4.1 595 * @param string $string string to salt 596 * @return string hashed string 597 */ 598 function yourls_salt( $string ) { 599 $salt = defined('YOURLS_COOKIEKEY') ? YOURLS_COOKIEKEY : md5(__FILE__) ; 600 return yourls_apply_filter( 'yourls_salt', hash_hmac( yourls_hmac_algo(), $string, $salt), $string ); 601 } 602 603 /** 604 * Return an available hash_hmac() algorithm 605 * 606 * @since 1.8.3 607 * @return string hash_hmac() algorithm 608 */ 609 function yourls_hmac_algo() { 610 $algo = yourls_apply_filter( 'hmac_algo', 'sha256' ); 611 if( !in_array( $algo, hash_hmac_algos() ) ) { 612 $algo = 'sha256'; 613 } 614 return $algo; 615 } 616 617 /** 618 * Create a time limited, action limited and user limited token 619 * 620 * @param string $action Action to create nonce for 621 * @param false|string $user Optional user string, false for current user 622 * @return string Nonce token 623 */ 624 function yourls_create_nonce($action, $user = false ) { 625 if( false === $user ) { 626 $user = defined('YOURLS_USER') ? YOURLS_USER : '-1'; 627 } 628 $tick = yourls_tick(); 629 $nonce = substr( yourls_salt($tick . $action . $user), 0, 10 ); 630 // Allow plugins to alter the nonce 631 return yourls_apply_filter( 'create_nonce', $nonce, $action, $user ); 632 } 633 634 /** 635 * Echoes or returns a nonce field for inclusion into a form 636 * 637 * @param string $action Action to create nonce for 638 * @param string $name Optional name of nonce field -- defaults to 'nonce' 639 * @param false|string $user Optional user string, false if unspecified 640 * @param bool $echo True to echo, false to return nonce field 641 * @return string Nonce field 642 */ 643 function yourls_nonce_field($action, $name = 'nonce', $user = false, $echo = true ) { 644 $field = '<input type="hidden" id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'.yourls_create_nonce( $action, $user ).'" />'; 645 if( $echo ) 646 echo $field."\n"; 647 return $field; 648 } 649 650 /** 651 * Add a nonce to a URL. If URL omitted, adds nonce to current URL 652 * 653 * @param string $action Action to create nonce for 654 * @param string $url Optional URL to add nonce to -- defaults to current URL 655 * @param string $name Optional name of nonce field -- defaults to 'nonce' 656 * @param false|string $user Optional user string, false if unspecified 657 * @return string URL with nonce added 658 */ 659 function yourls_nonce_url($action, $url = false, $name = 'nonce', $user = false ) { 660 $nonce = yourls_create_nonce( $action, $user ); 661 return yourls_add_query_arg( $name, $nonce, $url ); 662 } 663 664 /** 665 * Check validity of a nonce (ie time span, user and action match). 666 * 667 * Returns true if valid, dies otherwise (yourls_die() or die($return) if defined). 668 * If $nonce is false or unspecified, it will use $_REQUEST['nonce'] 669 * 670 * @param string $action 671 * @param false|string $nonce Optional, string: nonce value, or false to use $_REQUEST['nonce'] 672 * @param false|string $user Optional, string user, false for current user 673 * @param string $return Optional, string: message to die with if nonce is invalid 674 * @return bool|void True if valid, dies otherwise 675 */ 676 function yourls_verify_nonce($action, $nonce = false, $user = false, $return = '' ) { 677 // Get user 678 if( false === $user ) { 679 $user = defined('YOURLS_USER') ? YOURLS_USER : '-1'; 680 } 681 682 // Get nonce value from $_REQUEST if not specified 683 if( false === $nonce && isset( $_REQUEST['nonce'] ) ) { 684 $nonce = $_REQUEST['nonce']; 685 } 686 687 // Allow plugins to short-circuit the rest of the function 688 if (yourls_apply_filter( 'verify_nonce', false, $action, $nonce, $user, $return ) === true) { 689 return true; 690 } 691 692 // What nonce should be 693 $valid = yourls_create_nonce( $action, $user ); 694 695 if( $nonce === $valid ) { 696 return true; 697 } else { 698 if( $return ) 699 die( $return ); 700 yourls_die( yourls__( 'Unauthorized action or expired link' ), yourls__( 'Error' ), 403 ); 701 } 702 } 703 704 /** 705 * Check if YOURLS_USER comes from environment variables 706 * 707 * @since 1.8.2 708 * @return bool true if YOURLS_USER and YOURLS_PASSWORD are defined as environment variables 709 */ 710 function yourls_is_user_from_env() { 711 return yourls_apply_filter('is_user_from_env', getenv('YOURLS_USER') && getenv('YOURLS_PASSWORD')); 712 713 } 714 715 /** 716 * Check if we should hash passwords in the config file 717 * 718 * By default, passwords are hashed. They are not if 719 * - there is no password in clear text in the config file (ie everything is already hashed) 720 * - the user defined constant YOURLS_NO_HASH_PASSWORD is true, see https://docs.yourls.org/guide/essentials/credentials.html#i-don-t-want-to-encrypt-my-password 721 * - YOURLS_USER and YOURLS_PASSWORD are provided by the environment, not the config file 722 * 723 * @since 1.8.2 724 * @return bool 725 */ 726 function yourls_maybe_hash_passwords() { 727 $hash = true; 728 729 if ( !yourls_has_cleartext_passwords() 730 OR (yourls_skip_password_hashing()) 731 OR (yourls_is_user_from_env()) 732 ) { 733 $hash = false; 734 } 735 736 return yourls_apply_filter('maybe_hash_password', $hash ); 737 } 738 739 /** 740 * Check if user setting for skipping password hashing is set 741 * 742 * @since 1.8.2 743 * @return bool 744 */ 745 function yourls_skip_password_hashing() { 746 return yourls_apply_filter('skip_password_hashing', defined('YOURLS_NO_HASH_PASSWORD') && YOURLS_NO_HASH_PASSWORD); 747 }
Generated: Fri Mar 28 05:10:25 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |