[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/includes/ -> functions-api.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*
   3   * YOURLS
   4   * Functions for the API
   5   *
   6   * Note about translation : this file should NOT be translation ready
   7   * API messages and returns are supposed to be programmatically tested, so default English is expected
   8   *
   9   */
  11  /**
  12   * API function wrapper: Shorten a URL
  13   *
  14   * @since 1.6
  15   * @return array Result of API call
  16   */
  17  function yourls_api_action_shorturl() {
  18      $url = ( isset( $_REQUEST['url'] ) ? $_REQUEST['url'] : '' );
  19      $keyword = ( isset( $_REQUEST['keyword'] ) ? $_REQUEST['keyword'] : '' );
  20      $title = ( isset( $_REQUEST['title'] ) ? $_REQUEST['title'] : '' );
  21      $return = yourls_add_new_link( $url, $keyword, $title );
  22      $return['simple'] = ( isset( $return['shorturl'] ) ? $return['shorturl'] : '' ); // This one will be used in case output mode is 'simple'
  23      unset( $return['html'] ); // in API mode, no need for our internal HTML output
  24      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_result_shorturl', $return );
  25  }
  27  /**
  28   * API function wrapper: Stats about links (XX top, bottom, last, rand)
  29   *
  30   * @since 1.6
  31   * @return array Result of API call
  32   */
  33  function yourls_api_action_stats() {
  34      $filter = ( isset( $_REQUEST['filter'] ) ? $_REQUEST['filter'] : '' );
  35      $limit = ( isset( $_REQUEST['limit'] ) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : '' );
  36      $start = ( isset( $_REQUEST['start'] ) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : '' );
  37      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_result_stats', yourls_api_stats( $filter, $limit, $start ) );
  38  }
  40  /**
  41   * API function wrapper: Just the global counts of shorturls and clicks
  42   *
  43   * @since 1.6
  44   * @return array Result of API call
  45   */
  46  function yourls_api_action_db_stats() {
  47      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_result_db_stats', yourls_api_db_stats() );
  48  }
  50  /**
  51   * API function wrapper: Stats for a shorturl
  52   *
  53   * @since 1.6
  54   * @return array Result of API call
  55   */
  56  function yourls_api_action_url_stats() {
  57      $shorturl = ( isset( $_REQUEST['shorturl'] ) ? $_REQUEST['shorturl'] : '' );
  58      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_result_url_stats', yourls_api_url_stats( $shorturl ) );
  59  }
  61  /**
  62   * API function wrapper: Expand a short link
  63   *
  64   * @since 1.6
  65   * @return array Result of API call
  66   */
  67  function yourls_api_action_expand() {
  68      $shorturl = ( isset( $_REQUEST['shorturl'] ) ? $_REQUEST['shorturl'] : '' );
  69      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_result_expand', yourls_api_expand( $shorturl ) );
  70  }
  72  /**
  73   * API function wrapper: return version numbers
  74   *
  75   * @since 1.6
  76   * @return array Result of API call
  77   */
  78  function yourls_api_action_version() {
  79      $return['version'] = $return['simple'] = YOURLS_VERSION;
  80      if( isset( $_REQUEST['db'] ) && $_REQUEST['db'] == 1 )
  81          $return['db_version'] = YOURLS_DB_VERSION;
  82      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_result_version', $return );
  83  }
  85  /**
  86   * Output and return API result
  87   *
  88   * This function will echo (or only return if asked) an array as JSON, JSONP or XML. If the array has a
  89   * 'simple' key, it can also output that key as unformatted text if expected output mode is 'simple'
  90   *
  91   * Most likely, script should not do anything after outputting this
  92   *
  93   * @since 1.6
  94   *
  95   * @param  string $mode          Expected output mode ('json', 'jsonp', 'xml', 'simple')
  96   * @param  array  $output        Array of things to output
  97   * @param  bool   $send_headers  Optional, default true: Whether a headers (status, content type) should be sent or not
  98   * @param  bool   $echo          Optional, default true: Whether the output should be outputted or just returned
  99   * @return string                API output, as an XML / JSON / JSONP / raw text string
 100   */
 101  function yourls_api_output( $mode, $output, $send_headers = true, $echo = true ) {
 102      if( isset( $output['simple'] ) ) {
 103          $simple = $output['simple'];
 104          unset( $output['simple'] );
 105      }
 107      yourls_do_action( 'pre_api_output', $mode, $output, $send_headers, $echo );
 109      if( $send_headers ) {
 110          if( isset( $output['statusCode'] ) ) {
 111              $code = $output['statusCode'];
 112          } elseif ( isset( $output['errorCode'] ) ) {
 113              $code = $output['errorCode'];
 114          } else {
 115              $code = 200;
 116          }
 117          yourls_status_header( $code );
 118      }
 120      $result = '';
 122      switch ( $mode ) {
 123          case 'jsonp':
 124              if( $send_headers )
 125                  yourls_content_type_header( 'application/javascript' );
 127              $callback = isset( $output['callback'] ) ? $output['callback'] : '';
 128              $result =  $callback . '(' . json_encode( $output ) . ')';
 129              break;
 131          case 'json':
 132              if( $send_headers )
 133                  yourls_content_type_header( 'application/json' );
 135              $result = json_encode( $output );
 136              break;
 138          case 'xml':
 139              if( $send_headers )
 140                  yourls_content_type_header( 'application/xml' );
 142              $result = yourls_xml_encode( $output );
 143              break;
 145          case 'simple':
 146          default:
 147              if( $send_headers )
 148                  yourls_content_type_header( 'text/plain' );
 150              $result = isset( $simple ) ? $simple : '';
 151              break;
 152      }
 154      if( $echo ) {
 155          echo $result;
 156      }
 158      yourls_do_action( 'api_output', $mode, $output, $send_headers, $echo );
 160      return $result;
 161  }
 163  /**
 164   * Return array for API stat requests
 165   *
 166   * @param string $filter  either "top", "bottom" , "rand" or "last"
 167   * @param int    $limit   maximum number of links to return
 168   * @param int    $start   offset
 169   * @return array
 170   */
 171  function yourls_api_stats($filter = 'top', $limit = 10, $start = 0 ) {
 172      $return = yourls_get_stats( $filter, $limit, $start );
 173      $return['simple']  = 'Need either XML or JSON format for stats';
 174      $return['message'] = 'success';
 175      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_stats', $return, $filter, $limit, $start );
 176  }
 178  /**
 179   * Return array for counts of shorturls and clicks
 180   *
 181   * @return array
 182   */
 183  function yourls_api_db_stats() {
 184      $return = array(
 185          'db-stats'   => yourls_get_db_stats(),
 186          'statusCode' => '200',
 187          'simple'     => 'Need either XML or JSON format for stats',
 188          'message'    => 'success',
 189      );
 191      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_db_stats', $return );
 192  }
 194  /**
 195   * Return array for API stat requests
 196   *
 197   * @param string $shorturl  Short URL to check
 198   * @return array
 199   */
 200  function yourls_api_url_stats( $shorturl ) {
 201      $keyword = str_replace( yourls_get_yourls_site() . '/' , '', $shorturl ); // accept either 'http://ozh.in/abc' or 'abc'
 202      $keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword );
 204      $return = yourls_get_keyword_stats( $keyword );
 205      $return['simple']  = 'Need either XML or JSON format for stats';
 206      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_url_stats', $return, $shorturl );
 207  }
 209  /**
 210   * Expand short url to long url
 211   *
 212   * @param string $shorturl  Short URL to expand
 213   * @return array
 214   */
 215  function yourls_api_expand( $shorturl ) {
 216      $keyword = str_replace( yourls_get_yourls_site() . '/' , '', $shorturl ); // accept either 'http://ozh.in/abc' or 'abc'
 217      $keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword );
 219      $longurl = yourls_get_keyword_longurl( $keyword );
 221      if( $longurl ) {
 222          $return = array(
 223              'keyword'   => $keyword,
 224              'shorturl'  => yourls_link($keyword),
 225              'longurl'   => $longurl,
 226              'title'     => yourls_get_keyword_title( $keyword ),
 227              'simple'    => $longurl,
 228              'message'   => 'success',
 229              'statusCode' => '200',
 230          );
 231      } else {
 232          $return = array(
 233              'keyword'   => $keyword,
 234              'simple'    => 'not found',
 235              'message'   => 'Error: short URL not found',
 236              'errorCode' => '404',
 237          );
 238      }
 240      return yourls_apply_filter( 'api_expand', $return, $shorturl );
 241  }

Generated: Fri Mar 28 05:10:25 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1