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PHP Cross Reference of YOURLS




/admin/ -> tools.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
   3  require_once( dirname( __DIR__ ).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
   4  yourls_maybe_require_auth();
   6  yourls_html_head( 'tools', yourls__( 'Cool YOURLS Tools' ) );
   7  yourls_html_logo();
   8  yourls_html_menu();
   9  ?>
  11      <main role="main" class="sub_wrap">
  13      <h2><?php yourls_e( 'Bookmarklets' ); ?></h2>
  15          <p><?php yourls_e( 'YOURLS comes with handy <span>bookmarklets</span> for easier link shortening and sharing.' ); ?></p>
  17          <h3><?php yourls_e( 'Standard or Instant, Simple or Custom' ); ?></h3>
  19          <ul>
  20              <li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Standard Bookmarklets</span> will take you to a page where you can easily edit or delete your brand new short URL.' ); ?></li>
  22              <li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Instant Bookmarklets</span> will pop the short URL without leaving the page you are viewing (depending on the page and server configuration, they may silently fail)' ); ?></li>
  24              <li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Simple Bookmarklets</span> will generate a short URL with a random or sequential keyword.' ); ?></li>
  26              <li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Custom Keyword Bookmarklets</span> will prompt you for a custom keyword first.' ); ?></li>
  27          </ul>
  29          <p><?php
  30          yourls_e( "If you want to share a description along with the link you're shortening, simply <span>select text</span> on the page you're viewing before clicking on your bookmarklet link" );
  31          ?></p>
  33          <p><?php yourls_e( '<strong>Important Note:</strong> bookmarklets <span>may fail</span> on websites with <em>https</em>, especially the "Instant" bookrmarklets. There is nothing you can do about this.'); ?></p>
  35          <h3><?php yourls_e( 'The Bookmarklets' ); ?></h3>
  37          <?php $base_bookmarklet = yourls_admin_url( 'index.php' ); ?>
  39          <p><?php yourls_e( 'Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)' ); ?></p>
  41          <table class="tblSorter" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
  42              <thead>
  43              <tr>
  44                  <td>&nbsp;</td>
  45                  <th><?php yourls_e( 'Standard (new page)' ); ?></th>
  46                  <th><?php yourls_e( 'Instant (popup)' ); ?></th>
  47              </tr>
  48              </thead>
  49              <tbody>
  50              <tr>
  51                  <th class="header"><?php yourls_e( 'Simple' ); ?></th>
  53                  <td>
  54                  <?php $js_code = <<<STANDARD_SIMPLE
  55                  // Simple Standard Bookmarklet (new page, no keyword asked)
  56                  var d   = document,
  57                      w   = window,
  58                      enc = encodeURIComponent,
  59                      e   = w.getSelection,
  60                      k   = d.getSelection,
  61                      x   = d.selection,
  62                      s   = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
  63                      s2  = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : enc(s)),
  64                      f   = '$base_bookmarklet',
  65                      l   = d.location.href,
  66                      ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
  67                      ur  = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
  68                      ups = ups.split(/\:/),
  69                      p   = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2,
  70                      u   = f + p;
  71                  try {
  72                      throw ('ozhismygod');
  73                  } catch (z) {
  74                      a = function () {
  75                          if (!w.open(u)) l.href = u;
  76                      };
  77                      if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
  78                      else a();
  79                  }
  80                  void(0);
  82                  yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Shorten' ) );
  83                  ?>
  84                  </td>
  86                  <td>
  87                  <?php $js_code = <<<POPUP_SIMPLE
  88                  // Simple Popup (in-page popup dialog, no keyword asked)
  89                  var d   = document,
  90                      sc  = d.createElement('script'),
  91                      l   = d.location.href,
  92                      enc = encodeURIComponent,
  93                      ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
  94                      ur  = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
  95                      ups = ups.split(/\:/),
  96                      p   = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title);
  97                  window.yourls_callback = function (r) {
  98                      if (r.short_url) {
  99                          prompt(r.message, r.short_url);
 100                      } else {
 101                          alert('An error occurred: ' + r.message);
 102                      }
 103                  };
 104                  sc.src = '$base_bookmarklet' + p + '&jsonp=yourls';
 105                  void(d.body.appendChild(sc));
 107                  yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Instant Shorten' ) );
 108                  ?>
 109                  </td>
 111              </tr>
 112              <tr>
 113                  <th class="header"><?php yourls_e( 'Custom Keyword' ); ?></th>
 115                  <td>
 116                  <?php $js_code = <<<CUSTOM_STANDARD
 117                  // Custom Standard (new page, prompt for a keyword)
 118                  var d   = document,
 119                      enc = encodeURIComponent,
 120                      w   = window,
 121                      e   = w.getSelection,
 122                      k   = d.getSelection,
 123                      x   = d.selection,
 124                      s   = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
 125                      s2  = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : enc(s)),
 126                      f   = '$base_bookmarklet',
 127                      l   = d.location.href,
 128                      ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
 129                      ur  = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
 130                      ups = ups.split(/\:/),
 131                      k   = prompt("Custom URL"),
 132                      k2  = (k ? '&k=' + k : ""),
 133                      p   = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2 + k2,
 134                      u   = f + p;
 135                  if (k != null) {
 136                      try {
 137                          throw ('ozhismygod');
 138                      } catch (z) {
 139                          a = function () {
 140                              if (!w.open(u)) l = u;
 141                          };
 142                          if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
 143                          else a();
 144                      }
 145                      void(0)
 146                  }
 148                  yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Custom shorten' ) );
 149                  ?>
 150                  </td>
 152                  <td>
 153                  <?php $js_code = <<<CUSTOM_POPUP
 154                  // Custom Popup (prompt for a keyword + on-page popup)
 155                  var d   = document,
 156                      l   = d.location.href,
 157                      k   = prompt('Custom URL'),
 158                      enc = encodeURIComponent,
 159                      ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
 160                      ur  = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
 161                      ups = ups.split(/\:/),
 162                      p   = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title);
 163                      sc  = d.createElement('script');
 164                  if (k != null) {
 165                      window.yourls_callback = function (r) {
 166                          if (r.short_url) {
 167                              prompt(r.message, r.short_url);
 168                          } else {
 169                              alert('An error occurred: ' + r.message);
 170                          }
 171                      };
 172                      sc.src = '$base_bookmarklet' + p + '&k=' + k + '&jsonp=yourls';
 173                      void(d.body.appendChild(sc));
 174                  }
 176                  yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Instant Custom Shorten' ) );
 177                  ?>
 178                  </td>
 180              </tr>
 181              </tbody>
 182          </table>
 185          <h3><?php yourls_e( 'Social Bookmarklets' ); ?></h3>
 187          <p><?php yourls_e( 'Create a short URL and share it on social networks, all in one click!' ); ?>
 188          <?php yourls_e( 'Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)' ); ?></p>
 190          <p><?php yourls_e( 'Shorten and share:' ); ?></p>
 192          <p>
 193          <?php $js_code = <<<FACEBOOK
 194          // Share on Facebook
 195          var d   = document,
 196              enc = encodeURIComponent,
 197              f   = '$base_bookmarklet',
 198              l   = d.location.href,
 199              ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
 200              ur  = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
 201              ups = ups.split(/\:/),
 202              p   = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur=' + enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + '&share=facebook',
 203              u   = f + p;
 204          try {
 205              throw ('ozhismygod');
 206          } catch (z) {
 207              a = function () {
 208                  if (!window.open(u,'Share','width=500,height=340,left=100','_blank')) l.href = u;
 209              };
 210              if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
 211              else a();
 212          }
 213          void(0);
 215          yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'YOURLS &amp; Facebook' ) );
 216          ?>
 218          <?php $js_code = <<<TWITTER
 219          // Share on Twitter
 220          var d = document,
 221              w = window,
 222              enc = encodeURIComponent,
 223              e = w.getSelection,
 224              k = d.getSelection,
 225              x = d.selection,
 226              s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
 227              s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : '%20%22' + enc(s) + '%22'),
 228              f = '$base_bookmarklet',
 229              l = d.location.href,
 230              ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
 231              ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
 232              ups = ups.split(/\:/),
 233              p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur='+enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + s2 + '&share=twitter',
 234              u = f + p;
 235          try {
 236              throw ('ozhismygod');
 237          } catch (z) {
 238              a = function () {
 239                  if (!w.open(u,'Share','width=780,height=265,left=100','_blank')) l = u;
 240              };
 241              if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
 242              else a();
 243          }
 244          void(0);
 245  TWITTER;
 246          yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'YOURLS &amp; Twitter' ) );
 247          ?>
 249          <?php $js_code = <<<TUMBLR
 250          // Share on Tumblr
 251          var d = document,
 252              w = window,
 253              enc = encodeURIComponent,
 254              share = 'tumblr',
 255              e = w.getSelection,
 256              k = d.getSelection,
 257              x = d.selection,
 258              s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
 259              s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : '%20%22' + enc(s) + '%22'),
 260              f = '$base_bookmarklet',
 261              l = d.location.href,
 262              ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
 263              ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
 264              ups = ups.split(/\:/),
 265              p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur='+enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + '&s=' + s2 + '&share=tumblr',
 266              u = f + p;
 267          try {
 268              throw ('ozhismygod');
 269          } catch (z) {
 270              a = function () {
 271                  if (!w.open(u,'Share','width=450,height=450,left=430','_blank')) l = u;
 272              };
 273              if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
 274              else a();
 275          }
 276          void(0);
 277  TUMBLR;
 278          yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'YOURLS &amp; Tumblr' ) );
 279          ?>
 281          <?php yourls_do_action( 'social_bookmarklet_buttons_after' ); ?>
 283          </p>
 285      <h2><?php yourls_e( 'Prefix-n-Shorten' ); ?></h2>
 287          <p><?php yourls_se( "When viewing a page, you can also prefix its full URL: just head to your browser's address bar, add \"<span>%s</span>\" to the beginning of the current URL (right before its 'http://' part) and hit enter.", preg_replace('@https?://@', '', yourls_get_yourls_site()) . '/' ); ?></p>
 289          <p><?php
 290          yourls_e( 'Note: this will probably not work if your web server is running on Windows' );
 291          if( yourls_is_windows() )
 292              yourls_e( ' (which seems to be the case here)' );
 293          ?>.</p>
 296      <?php if( yourls_is_private() ) { ?>
 298      <h2><?php yourls_e( 'Secure passwordless API call' ); ?></h2>
 300          <p><?php
 301          yourls_e( 'YOURLS allows API calls the old fashioned way, using <tt>username</tt> and <tt>password</tt> parameters.' );
 302          echo "\n";
 303          yourls_e( "If you're worried about sending your credentials into the wild, you can also make API calls without using your login or your password, using a secret signature token." );
 304          ?></p>
 306          <p><?php yourls_se( 'Your secret signature token: <strong><code>%s</code></strong>', yourls_auth_signature() ); ?>
 307          <?php yourls_e( "(It's a secret. Keep it secret) "); ?></p>
 309          <p><?php yourls_e( 'This signature token can only be used with the API, not with the admin interface.' ); ?></p>
 311          <ul>
 312              <li><h3><?php yourls_e( 'Usage of the signature token' ); ?></h3>
 313              <p><?php yourls_e( 'Simply use parameter <tt>signature</tt> in your API requests. Example:' ); ?></p>
 314              <p><code><?php echo yourls_get_yourls_site(); ?>/yourls-api.php?signature=<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>&action=...</code></p>
 315              </li>
 317              <li><h3><?php yourls_e( 'Usage of a time limited signature token' ); ?></h3>
 318  <pre><code>&lt;?php
 319  $timestamp = time();
 320  <tt>// <?php yourls_e( 'actual value:' ); ?> $time = <?php $time = time(); echo $time; ?></tt>
 321  $signature = md5( $timestamp . '<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>' );
 322  <tt>// <?php yourls_e( 'actual value:' ); ?> $signature = "<?php $sign = md5( $time. yourls_auth_signature() ); echo $sign; ?>"</tt>
 323  ?>
 324  </code></pre>
 325          <p><?php yourls_e( 'Now use parameters <tt>signature</tt> and <tt>timestamp</tt> in your API requests. Example:' ); ?></p>
 326          <p><code><?php echo yourls_get_yourls_site(); ?>/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<strong>$timestamp</strong>&signature=<strong>$signature</strong>&action=...</code></p>
 327          <p><?php yourls_e( 'Actual values:' ); ?><br/>
 328          <tt><?php echo yourls_get_yourls_site(); ?>/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<?php echo $time; ?>&signature=<?php echo $sign; ?>&action=...</tt></p>
 329          <p><?php yourls_se( 'This URL would be valid for only %s seconds', YOURLS_NONCE_LIFE ); ?></p>
 330          </li>
 331      </ul>
 333      <p><?php yourls_se( 'See the <a href="%s">Passwordless API</a> page on the wiki.', 'https://yourls.org/passwordlessapi' ); ?>
 334      <?php yourls_se( 'See the <a href="%s">API documentation</a> for more', yourls_get_yourls_site() . '/readme.html#API' ); ?></p>
 336      </main>
 338      <?php } // end is private ?>
 340  <?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>

Generated: Sat Feb 22 05:10:06 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1